Created 2021/10/23. You can skip to the list of posts below.
Every now and then I have something to say about a book or movie or record. Or maybe a piece of hardware. I'm not a professional reviewer (and definitely not a professional writer) so mostly I make a fool of myself. I'm OK with that.
I try to be constructive and enthusiastic when commenting on art, and I like calling attention to works that I feel are overlooked or in danger of being forgotten. My message, if I have one, is that these works matter and are worth remembering.
Having said that I find writing about music to be particularly difficult so I hope I can be given some leeway there.
A useful reminder, a quote from the anti-review page of Chameleon's notebook:
"Review" something by just talking about it. No ratings, no recommendations, just talk about what you liked and didn't like, the story of you and the game/movie/book/etc. ...