About & Contact
Posted by Cameron Vanderzanden on
Updated .
Hi, I'm Cameron.
I collect electronic music, read books, use Linux and BSD,
and play Quake.
I've been a DJ for about 20 years, playing mostly breaks and electro. A long time ago I used to write bad music with Modplug Tracker and later Jeskola Buzz.
"CEV" is my initials. I've never liked "DJ CEV" as a handle but I used it for over a decade and never came up with anything better so it's stuck now.
Accounts, addresses, where to find me
Here's a list of my various accounts and contact points:
- Bandcamp "fan" account at bandcamp.com/cameronvanderzanden.
- Discord: username djcev, user ID 590710214207209483 (previously sands#9779).
- Google mail account: cvanderz@gmail.com.
- IRC, Libera chat network irc.libera.chat, nickname cev.
- Librarything user cvanderz.
- Mastodon user @cev@bsd.network.
- Mixcloud account at mixcloud.com/djcev/.
- Reddit user u/cnvn.
- Twitch.tv user andreaen.
- Youtube account djcev.
The fastest way to reach me is by e-mail or IRC. All other services are checked much less frequently.
Past and current shows, gigs, music things
From around 2010 or 2011 through February 2020 I played music at Ground Kontrol with my friend DJ Megaphysics. We played there every last Wednesday until the pandemic hit in 2020. Vinyl at first, then later digital. You can find old tracklists from our shows by browsing the Logical Aggression tag on this website.
Movement Through Thought on Anonradio, the SDF's radio station, from 2017-03 thru 2020-09. MTT numbers 1 through 187 were mixed live and broadcast through Anonradio.
Movement Through Thought on djcev.com, mirrored to mixcloud.com/djcev, 2020-09 thru the present. The current incarnation of MTT as a mix series and/or some kind of low-tech podcast.
About this website
This is a static site compiled by Blogofile. I use html5 semantic elements and CSS for structure and styling, but no client- or server-side scripting.
This site uses a number of free assets & resources found online, including:
- the Inconsolata fixed-width font,
- the Public Sans variable-width font,
- and the background image is an edit of this Retro Floral Wallpaper Pattern by rai-land.
This site is designed to look more-or-less the same in graphical browsers and textmode browsers like Links and Lynx. It's a dense, link-heavy, interconnected mess. I like it this way.