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I loved Cyberpunk Review when it was active and updating. It introduced me to a lot of movies I would likely not have heard of otherwise. Some I sought out (Cypher, Avalon, One Point O), some I put on a list to avoid.

Really cool resource (it's still useful!). Now it's a relic of an older internet & seems to be available only through archives.'s avatar image // / 114045875833650850 Origin link. Source file.
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I finished Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria today. It was really good (and pretty challenging).

The graphics, particularly the background art, were fantastic. It looks well beyond what I expected the Playstation 2 could do. Music was great as well, it always felt fitting, and there was greater variety than in VP1. (Definitely some bangers on the soundtrack, good battle themes).

The gameplay, the battle system, was deep and complex. It succeeds at translating VP1 from a line to a plane, essentially, adding obstacles and height variation to battlefields. It was difficult to learn and satisfying to play.

Story was fun, the fact that the game had a traditional linear narrative (unlike VP1) made it much easier to relate to, to become invested, to keep playing. I enjoyed the resolution of it, love that we end by beating up Lezard.

Valkyrie Profile 2 has been on my backlog for a long time (a decade or so). I tried to play it once years ago and bounced off it. Now, finally, I'm relieved to have completed it. I'd like to play it again someday; I'm sure there's a lot of stuff - animations, skills, weapons, and at least one dungeon - that I haven't seen.'s avatar image // / 114039257586789281 Origin link. Source file. This is a reply.
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also I had forgotten that modern computers (even consumer stuff) are little space heaters. I have a hand-me-down Vega 64 GPU and it was trying to burn itself up running Mankind Divided.'s avatar image // / 114039247094759146 Origin link. Source file.
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the version of Wine in Debian 12 stable's packages seems to run both Deus Ex Human Revolution and Deus Ex Mankind Divided fine. (Both downloaded from GOG).

Spent the afternoon installing and testing (playing), works great so far.'s avatar image // / 114010685715943457 Origin link. Source file.
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playing E.Y.E Divine Cybermancy (PC, 2011) again today over at

I'm near the end of my 2nd playthrough, doing the commander's path this time.

2nd and 3rd playthrough (E.Y.E pt. 5, finale)

end of commander's path, federation path, epilogue

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I'm adjusting player acceleration code for a first person game today (working on my Quake mod) and:

changing accel values, testing, then changing them again, over and over, has finally gotten to me & started making me motion sick. Oof.

I should probably break this up and not try to do it all at once.'s avatar image // / 113999905092063433 Origin link. Source file. This is a reply.
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the Valkyrie Profile games are hard. I thought I was doing well playing through VP2 but damn the Ravine Caverns and Bifrost bridge were challenging.'s avatar image // / 113998640397030178 Origin link. Source file.
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I'm picking up Valkyrie Profile 2 (Playstation 2, 2006) again today at

Going into chapter 5 and the Forest Of Spirits today. I might be under-level for the area.

Forest Of Spirits (VP2 pt. 10)

Forest Of Spirits, Ravine Caverns, Bifrost

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playing E.Y.E Divine Cybermancy (PC, 2011) on stream today at

I'm at the end of the mentor path, fighting through temple HQ. I hope to finish the game today (and unlock new game+).

Temple HQ, end of mentor path (E.Y.E pt. 4)

Mentor Path complete, New Game+

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continuing Valkyrie Profile 2 (Playstation 2, 2006) today at

I suspect a major difficulty spike is about to happen so this may turn into an XP grinding stream. EDIT: turned out to be a major story progress stream! A series of tough boss fights, no level grinding necessary.

Underground Path, return to Dipan (VP2 pt. 9)

Path, Dipan, chapter 4 complete

Twitch's avatar image // / 113945203732556556 Origin link. Source file.
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Valkyrie Profile 2 (Playstation 2, 2006) today at

Will try to finish Palace of the Dragon after some item/XP grinding. (this might be the end of chapter 3? not sure). Edit: this was the end of chapter 3!

Palace of the Dragon continued (VP2 pt. 8)

Palace of the Dragon, bosses, Sukavia Gorge

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Playing E.Y.E Divine Cybermancy tonight I managed to complete mission 4 Electric Sheep and mission 5 Monolith but then got super-stuck on m6 Noctis Labyrinth. There's a real difficulty jump between 5 and 6, I think.

Will need further research and a plan to tackle mission 6.

Divine Cybermancy is very weird.