

Created 2022/10/29. You can skip to the list of posts below.

Books! You know what a book is. I don't think I need to define it. Reading seems to come in waves for me. I'll spend four or five years reading heavilly and then nothing for a few. I mostly read sci-fi, especially old cyberpunk fiction.

I have a few additional tags for various book formats: hardcover and paperback, with "paperback" including both traditional mass-market small format paperbacks and larger trade paperbacks. I try to buy hardcover when I can.

I'll use this tag whenever I have something to say about a book (which isn't often). Would like to start up a regular review practice some day.

All posts tagged "books":

Presented in reverse chronological order. Jump to 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017.


  1. October 2024 (2 posts)
    1. @cev What started me down this path (of listening …
    2. @cev I've been listening to and really enjoying th…


  1. January 2023 (1 post)
    1. @cev Finished "Rum Punch" by Elmore Leonard today.…


  1. October 2022 (1 post)
    1. @cev The latest episode of the Backlisted book dis…
  2. June 2022 (1 post)
    1. @cev Tired today & so I went digging for movies on…


  1. October 2021 (2 posts)
    1. The Light Brigade by Kameron Hurley .photo
    2. @cev I just finished reading Kameron Hurley's "The…
  2. September 2021 (1 post)
    1. Media Shelves in FG Before Disassembly .photo
  3. January 2021 (1 post)
    1. @cev "The best thing about an influence is to real…


  1. March 2020 (1 post)
    1. @cev Back from the city. Picked up a first US hard…
  2. February 2020 (3 posts)
    1. @cev Finished Madeline Ashby's first novel vN yest…
    2. @cev I finished reading "Agency", Gibson's new boo…
    3. @cev I just finished reading the 2015 short story …
  3. January 2020 (1 post)
    1. @cev I saw William Gibson read from his new book "…


  1. December 2019 (2 posts)
    1. @cev Yaay a new episode of the Backlisted #podcast…
    2. @cev Went into the city yesterday and picked up th…
  2. October 2019 (1 post)
    1. @cev Didn't make it to stage 6 in 1945 this night.…
  3. August 2019 (2 posts)
    1. @cev The latest Our Opinions Are Correct is excell…
    2. @cev The documentary "Worlds of Ursula K. Le Guin"…
  4. July 2019 (1 post)
    1. @cev I just finished a re-read of Chris Moriarty's…
  5. March 2019 (1 post)
    1. @cev Just finished reading "Babel-17" by Samuel R.…
  6. February 2019 (3 posts)
    1. @cev Trouble leaned against the heavy display top,…
    2. @cev I plan to follow up and read Scott's "Dreamsh…
    3. @cev I finished Melissa Scott's "Trouble And Her F…
  7. January 2019 (2 posts)
    1. @cev I finished reading "Void Star" by Zachary Mas…
    2. @cev I read 22 books last year. Yaaay. Will try to…

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  1. December 2018 (2 posts)
    1. @cev Just finished reading "Aurora" by Kim Stanley…
    2. @cev I picked up two books today: "Kink" by Kathe …
  2. October 2018 (1 post)
    1. @cev I just finished reading "Skin" by Kathe Koja.…
  3. September 2018 (1 post)
    1. @cev I just finished reading "New York 2140" by Ki…
  4. July 2018 (3 posts)
    1. @cev The Backlisted Podcast just put up an episode…
    2. @cev I just finished reading "Autonomous" by Annal…
    3. @cev Finished reading "Zero History" by William Gi…
  5. May 2018 (3 posts)
    1. @cev Finished "Spook Country" by Gibson today. Thi…
    2. @cev Finished a re-read of "The Man in the High Ca…
    3. @cev Another good book haul today. Picked up "Zero…
  6. April 2018 (5 posts)
    1. @cev I recently finished reading the novel "Infomo…
    2. @cev I just finished reading "The Song Is You" by …
    3. @cev I've been re-reading Gibson's "Pattern Recogn…
    4. @cev I mistyped "Cadigan". :( One of my favorite a…
    5. @cev Good book haul today. "Mindplayers" by Pat Ca…
  7. February 2018 (1 post)
    1. @cev I just finished re-reading Frederik Pohl's "G…

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  1. December 2017 (1 post)
    1. Necrotech, Nanoshock .photo
  2. October 2017 (1 post)
    1. @cev This review of Bladerunner (1982) is pretty g…
  3. September 2017 (1 post)
    1. @cev I finished reading a book today, "Spin State"…
  4. June 2017 (1 post)
    1. @cev "They can either paint it or draw it or write…
  5. May 2017 (1 post)
    1. @cev Oooh, Library of America is going to publish …