MTT 231 / Deep Pools
Another pretty weird selection, this time it's some ambient, downtempo, drum & bass, and more old tracker mods. This mix features music by Andrea Parker, Legowelt, LTJ Bukem, Noldus Rabiatus, Secret Frequency Crew, and Underworld.

Ambient, some 80 BPM beats, and some drum & bass. A couple of old
tracker mods too. The few new tracks in this hour are by Amy Kisnorbo,
Ben Businovski, Legowelt, Ogeon, and Skee Mask.
This mix is no longer available for download from this website. It is
however available at mixcloud.
Walked into town today and picked up some tea at the grocery store and a few movies (on DVD) at the local thrift store. Found the first season of The Expanse, a copy of The Witch (2015), and - the best find - a copy of Doctor X (1932), the two-color version. It was a nice day out, too. Good weather.
Catching up on podcasts this morning and I'm just now getting to Anime World Order #200. Which is over three hours long and mostly comprised of an interview with Helen McCarthy. Been looking forward to this one, glad I have time today to listen to it.
MTT 230 / Gone Under
Pretty weird selection this week. Ambient, downtempo, dub techno, IDM, a few old tracker mods. This mix features music by Brothomstates, dbacon, Dublicator, Ian o'Brien, Paul Blackford, and more. Head-nodding stuff.

Ambient, dub techno, downtempo, IDM, and some old tracker modules. A weird
mash of styles. This mix features a couple new-ish tracks from dbacon
and Paul Blackford plus a recent remaster from Brothomstates.
This mix is no longer available for download from this website. It is
however available at mixcloud.
How to be PRO? Tutorial by Fatal1ty at
(Previously uploaded with the title "Practice Time by Mr. Positivity").
The clip linked above is from Fatal1ty's segment of the
I'm A Gamer episode of MTV's True Life.
You gotta practice. Practice. Practice practice practice practice. Practice. And if you're not practicing you should be practicing. So keep practicing. It's the only way you're gonna get better. It's the only way you're gonna be number 1. Number 1 in anything. You need practice practice practice.
I keep a copy of this on my hard drive and watch it whenever I need
motivation. I like the part where he tells me to practice.
Brothomstates remastered and re-released Kobn-Tich-Ey!
I might have to play Dekc again tomorrow.
A fun performance of Ennio Morricone's "Bambole" from the Spasmo soundtrack:
I recently switched from keeping a to-do list to taking short notes on what I've done each day. It's not a lot, four or five lines in a composition notebook per day, but it's nice. Makes me feel more "productive".
A couple of behind-the-scenes screenshots, different parts of the mix planning and publishing process.
I should take a new photo of the equipment I'm using.
This week's mix:
MTT 229 / In Frame
Breaks and electro at ~120, something a bit more relaxed. Features new tracks by Bassbin Twins, Bufiman, London Modular Alliance, and Mariska Neerman, plus a bunch of old favorites by Drexciya, Intelligent Concept, Jega, and more.

More breaks and electro for the middle of July. Wandering through a few
different styles and a couple of decades trying to draw connections.
This hour features new tracks from the Bassbin Twins, Bufiman,
London Modular Alliance, and Mariska Neerman, plus a
bunch of old favorites.
This mix is no longer available for download from this website. It is
however available at mixcloud.
OK, I'm going to import my following_accounts now. Here we go~
Following on from that introduction:
I don't post very often and I keep odd hours. Also I'm pretty slow to act or make decisions. I take my time.
I do sometimes post / promote my own projects and those of friends, but I try not to do so to excess.
I am retiring this account at and will be moving over to .
I'll be importing my followers list over there in a moment so if you receive a follow request from that account it's me.
Hello b.n. (and the wider fediverse). I am a disc jockey, music collector, and lapsed sysadmin from the Portland (Oregon) metropolitan area. I was a regular DJ at Ground Kontrol Arcade in Portland and now produce a mix series for the internet.
I do most of my computing with the BSD variants; I'm using FreeBSD now to write this message and interact with the fediverse.
I'm moving to this account on from and was previously
I've been fooling around with my website a lot in the last few weeks. Not sure why. I guess I'm in the mood to tinker with something.
Final torture [Quake3 DeFRaG movie] at
Quake 3 Defrag map gnj-finaltorture
performed by Shio. VQ3 physics. Video by xajjA,
map of course by gnj. Run and video both from 2013. Content
warning for flashing lights and first-person gameplay that may
cause motion sickness.
Incredible run of a punishing Q3 defrag map. Fall at any
point and you start over from the beginning. One of the great Quake
videos of the last decade. Even ESReality likes it.
Posting because this is where I first heard Running Away by
DJ Infiniti. (It's the second music track, starts at 01:52.)
That's the same Infiniti whose mix of Move Over was just played
in MTT 228. Every time I hear Running Away I think of Shio
and gnj-finaltorture.
OK new mix:
MTT 228 / For Once
#breaks and #electro up around 130. A couple new tracks from Anz, Bassbin Twins, Delta Funktionen, Overmono, and Scape One, otherwise this one's mostly old dusty files and records.

Breaks and electro, mid-tempo ~130. A bunch of old selections in here,
tracks I've been playing for years. Some new ones too from Anz,
Bassbin Twins, Delta Funktionen, Overmono, and
Scape One.
This mix is no longer available for download from this website. It is
however available at mixcloud.
Spent the night putting together tomorrow's mix. Having a real "what the hell did I just mix" moment right now.
I've made a significant change which will hopefully make it easier for
me to update this site more often. I've re-implemented traditional blog
categories and grouped most existing posts into long-form "articles" and
short-form "notes". This gives me a category where I can publish short
pieces like photos, recommendations, links to albums, links to videos,
and so on without feeling like I need to write a thousand words or
whatever. (That's a pretty low bar for "long-form" writing, I know, but
writing scares me.)
This matters because there are new browsing and RSS feed options
available. Articles (RSS) and notes (RSS)
both have their own chronological pages and feeds. The main page
and main RSS feed will continue to display all posts as normal.
If you're currently subscribed to the main RSS feed of this blog and
still want to receive all posts then you don't have to change anything.
There's also a unique (and hopefully podcatcher compatible)
RSS feed of just the Movement Through Thought mixes. These
different feeds and views are available so you can choose how much of my
nonsense you want to read.
Think of the short-form "notes" as something like a microblog
in the style of tumblr, a place where I can link videos and do other
lazy posts.
I'm thinking about moving to another mastodon instance. This would be my second move, after going from SDF to It's been on my to-do list for a while, just haven't gotten to it.
Shopping for instances is hard.
It turns out Audacity runs fine in Wine. i386-wine 5.0.4, Audacity 2.4.2. It takes longer to start than usual and parts of the UI seem slow but I was able to record and edit audio. I'll give it a real test this week.
Posted as a follow-up to my complaining yesterday.
I should run Audacity in Wine at this point. Get a windows build of 2.4.2 and never think about it again. I wonder how well that'd work.
I'm untangling my software upgrade mess from yesterday. FreeBSD now thinks that wxgtk31 requires wayland. And it wants to update Audacity. So...
First step, pkg lock wxgtk31. Next step(s), download Audacity 2.4.2, patch and otherwise massage it until it compiles, then never upgrade again.
Tried to upgrade youtube_dl, accidentally started upgrading half the software on my system.
A big mess.
MTT 227 / Noon Disorder
This week's mix. Fast-ish electro, ~135. Features new tracks by Client_03, DJ Distance, London Modular Alliance, and Overmono. Some old favorites by Dexorcist, Insektoid, T.E.S.T., and more.

Fast-ish breaks and electro today, hot weather music and some recent
purchases. This one features new tracks by Client_03, Distance,
London Modular Alliance, and Overmono.
This mix is no longer available for download from this website. It is
however available at mixcloud.