//'s avatar image // / 101368232922712829 Origin link. Source file.

Super windy outside. Might lose power. I should probably go find a flashlight, just in case.'s avatar image // / 101352461189061707 Origin link. Source file.
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Went down to the arcade tonight, scored about 510,000 in 1945. Made it to stage 6. A good game, considering I hadn't played in over a month.'s avatar image // / 101345122513952654 Origin link. Source file.
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I read 22 books last year. Yaaay. Will try to read at least two a month this year. That seems like a comfortable pace.'s avatar image // / 101329644020694812 Origin link. Source file.
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I'm catching up on "The Projection Booth" podcast tonight. Currently on episode 388, discussing the movie "Session 9".

Episode 388: Session 9 (2001)

Directed by Brad Anderson and co-written by Anderson and Stephen Gevedon, Session 9 was released in 2001 and stars Peter Mullen as the head of a team of guys who are taking out the asbestos from a psychiatric institution.

The Projection Booth Podcast

Great discussion, and a great interview with the director.

Be advised that this podcast will spoil the movie. And it's a good movie, horror movie, definitely worth seeing.

Logical Aggression @ Ground Kontrol / December 2018

Logical Aggression at Ground Kontrol was last night. DJ Megaphysics was out of town, so I played music from 9 PM until close. The selection was a mixture of MTT 095 and 094, plus some tracks that were in my notes for those shows but didn't make the cut for radio.

Not too much to say beyond that. It was a good night. I wish demoscene mods sounded better loud on a big system...'s avatar image // / 101310296526698884 Origin link. Source file.
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I'm DJing at Ground Kontrol arcade in Portland OR tonight. Megaphysics is out of town so it's just me from 9 PM until close. The games are set to free play so there's a $5 cover.

I plan to knit together my last few radio shows. Lots of tracker mods, breakbeat, electro, a little ambient. I hope the mods sound alright on their system.'s avatar image // / 101289596619075492 Origin link. Source file.
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It was my birthday yesterday.

I watched Diabolique (1955) and then ate too much cake. Feeling some mixture of satisfied and melancholy.

Diabolique was great. I've wanted to see it for years.'s avatar image // / 101276965515372078 Origin link. Source file.
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Why do I think DJing tracker mods is a good idea?

Every year I do this, and every year it turns out to be way more work than I expected.'s avatar image // / 101238355838347878 Origin link. Source file. This is a reply.
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Lyrics part 2:

We are the children, the children of creation
And we live in your atomic nation
You have the power, the power to give
And you show us the right way to live
Know your truth, we accept your wisdom
And we shall die for your electric kingdom
Accept your words without hesitation
We are the children of the atomic nation's avatar image // / 101238347345564212 Origin link. Source file. This is a reply.
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Lyrics part 1:

I am the king, and you are my creation
I am the ruler of the atomic nation
I have the power, the power to give
I shall show you the right way to live
I shall show you truth and I shall give you wisdom
I am the king of the electric kingdom
Accept my words without hesitation
I am the ruler of the atomic nation