//'s avatar image // / 107500400068962847 Origin link. Source file.
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It feels like time to watch Burst City again. Maybe it's time to write something about it, a "review" or whatever.

MTT 252 / Loop Fitting

MTT252 Spectrogram

An hour of mostly late '90s tracker module drum & bass. All but one of these selections were rendered to .wav with OpenMPT; they were then mixed with my normal equipment. A number of well-known artists are featured, including: Fanu, Krii (AKA Resound), Mav, and Twister.

This recording includes at least one track with some profanity; please consider your surroundings when listening.

Right-click save-as here or on the spectrogram above to download this mix. This mix is also available at mixcloud.'s avatar image // / 107497760204168137 Origin link. Source file.
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I can tell the show notes are getting spicy (and possibly off-track) when I find myself digging around in the wayback machine's avatar image // / 107494947131433636 Origin link. Source file.
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An hour left of my birthday. Feeling old.

Spent the day working on and eventually recording tomorrow's mix.'s avatar image // / 107465194264664736 Origin link. Source file.
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Oooh, OpenMW 0.47 is now available in ports. I've been waiting for this. It's a big upgrade over 0.46.

(OpenMW is an opensource reimplementation of the Morrowind game engine).'s avatar image // / 107464493683207477 Origin link. Source file.

CW: Covid Vaccine, Personal

Got my booster today. At the Tektronix Beaverton campus, building 58, of all places. While carrying my Tektronix umbrella.

Felt like a very Oregon moment.

DFWC 2021 Coverage Links

Defrag World Cup 2021 concluded a few weeks ago, and was a really good event! There were some pretty spicy runs. I wanted to rewatch some of the round coverage so I built the table of youtube and twitch links below. (Note that w00deh and ZERGTV also covered the cup but for the Russian-speaking audience).

Standard content warning for Quake videos: flashing lights, disorienting gameplay that may cause motion sickness.

RoundTop VQ3Top CPMTimConLanZoot
Round 1 Yotoon Bazz qGHHuekPETM vukCeJvLlzU
Round 2 Frog annh 67rPiRRQ4A4 vwfz8x3H4RQ
Round 3 xas-th Bazz XtMp9UUIMtw -kl56vvkO30
Round 4 Strangeland w00dy-th bcMdTEKQqQE lCgwkXI1Z_c
Round 5 Frog annh HP5bNqr_VOs 1211107904
Round 6 DeX Bazz tTWPAQsqvrg Congrats Zoot!
Round 7 Strangeland annh 5LB17uFoD6o 1224005901's avatar image // / 107452494795678825 Origin link. Source file.
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Uh oh my headphone cable is starting to fail


After avoiding it for years I've finally published my dotfiles. There's a mixture of shell scripts and configuration files in there, most of which is (I hope) explained by the README.

The image nearby is a recent screenshot of my desktop. The background / wallpaper & character art pictured are from the old eroge visual novel Divi-Dead (which I played way back in high school and have been using artwork from for backgrounds ever since).

A few points of interest, things I'm happy with:

I'll be adding more to the repo soon(ish), probably starting with my audio file management scripts.'s avatar image // / 107440825167496816 Origin link. Source file.
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Wasn't paying attention and accidentally started upgrading Python

big mistake's avatar image // / 107421539635225505 Origin link. Source file.
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Now I can relax, watch tonight's ep of Critical Role, and play q3 defrag (with a not-very-good mouse).