Eko Eko Azarak III: Misa The Dark Angel, 1998, directed by
Katsuhito Ueno. A body in the morgue with a strange message leads
Kuroi Misa (played by Hinako Saeki) to a school drama club where the
students are rehearsing Wizard In Phantom World, a suspicious play.
Of the four of these that I've seen this one is the most fun, probably
because Misa gets to use her powers for most of the movie. I imagine
this must be closer to the comic. It's pretty uneven, it shifts gears
between slow plot & character business, witch magic, and The Evil Dead,
but I kinda liked that.
This is a follow-up to the 1997 TV series (and I've read it
was possibly meant as the third season). English subtitles
are available for only the first few episodes of that series, from
what I can tell; I might watch it anyway (unsubbed) because I really
enjoyed this movie.