//'s avatar image // / 101368232922712829 Origin link. Source file.

Super windy outside. Might lose power. I should probably go find a flashlight, just in case.'s avatar image // / 101365006020757997 Origin link. Source file.
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Tracklist for Movement Through Thought on 2019-01-04:

and at :

Direct link to the recording:

Fast-ish electro and IDM; a tiny bit noisy and glitchy. Features a couple of old favorites: Volum's remix of MFS_Root and OK Robot by Volsoc.'s avatar image // / 101356771986650440 Origin link. Source file.
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Movement Through Thought on starts in 30 minutes. The program airs every Friday 6:30 to 7:30 UTC.

More mid-2000s and 2010s electro tonight. Digital Distortions, Kracktronic, Touchin' Bass, some other bits and pieces. Some of the noisier, slightly glitchy music from that time.

Listen at .'s avatar image // / 101352461189061707 Origin link. Source file.
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Went down to the arcade tonight, scored about 510,000 in 1945. Made it to stage 6. A good game, considering I hadn't played in over a month.'s avatar image // / 101345122513952654 Origin link. Source file.
Tags: .

I read 22 books last year. Yaaay. Will try to read at least two a month this year. That seems like a comfortable pace.'s avatar image // / 101329644020694812 Origin link. Source file.
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I'm catching up on "The Projection Booth" podcast tonight. Currently on episode 388, discussing the movie "Session 9".

Episode 388: Session 9 (2001)

Directed by Brad Anderson and co-written by Anderson and Stephen Gevedon, Session 9 was released in 2001 and stars Peter Mullen as the head of a team of guys who are taking out the asbestos from a psychiatric institution.

The Projection Booth Podcast

Great discussion, and a great interview with the director.

Be advised that this podcast will spoil the movie. And it's a good movie, horror movie, definitely worth seeing.'s avatar image // / 101317142946085339 Origin link. Source file.
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Movement Through Thought on might (?) start in 30 minutes.

Anonradio has been having problems switching to programmed feeds today, so if you still hear robot DJ Kumata after 06:30 UTC then it isn't happening.

I'm dead tired, but I've lined up some downtempo and slow breakbeat-y things anyway. And an old Fluke track.

Listen at .'s avatar image // / 101310296526698884 Origin link. Source file.
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I'm DJing at Ground Kontrol arcade in Portland OR tonight. Megaphysics is out of town so it's just me from 9 PM until close. The games are set to free play so there's a $5 cover.

I plan to knit together my last few radio shows. Lots of tracker mods, breakbeat, electro, a little ambient. I hope the mods sound alright on their system.'s avatar image // / 101289596619075492 Origin link. Source file.
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It was my birthday yesterday.

I watched Diabolique (1955) and then ate too much cake. Feeling some mixture of satisfied and melancholy.

Diabolique was great. I've wanted to see it for years.'s avatar image // / 101282532684594428 Origin link. Source file.
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Tracklist for Movement Through Thought on 2018-12-21:

and at 's website:

link to the recording:

Tracker mods! Lots '90s mods from the Assembly competitions, the Emissions 3 musicdisk, Five Musicians, etc.'s avatar image // / 101277497060012317 Origin link. Source file.
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My show on , Movement Through Thought, starts in 30 minutes.

I'm playing music tonight! Selections from the 1990s Assembly music competitions, the Emissions 3 musicdisks, the Five Musicians catalog, Eerik Inpuj Sound, and others.

I only do this once a year (because it's way too much work...) and it's tonight.

Listen at .'s avatar image // / 101276965515372078 Origin link. Source file.
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Why do I think DJing tracker mods is a good idea?

Every year I do this, and every year it turns out to be way more work than I expected.