//'s avatar image // / 102138630608418196 Origin link. Source file.
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I know it's also possible to generate a waveform image using sox & gnuplot, but this utility is much more convenient.

Might be a fun way to add amplitude information to my show's spectrograms. Maybe apply amplitude to hue/saturation or something.

Probably more work than it's worth, but neat to think about.'s avatar image // / 102132491159115677 Origin link. Source file.
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I just watched Ernst Lubitsch's movie "Trouble In Paradise". Episode 398 of The Projection Booth podcast inspired me to track it down.

A fun comedy of manners. "Charming", I think would be the right word. I'm glad I saw it, and that I heard a panel of experts talk about it.

Title screen for the 1932 film "Trouble In Paradise"'s avatar image // / 102120032567805440 Origin link. Source file.
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Tracklist for this weeks' MTT:

and at :

here's the archived audio:

Got a bit lost in the weeds on this show. Three tracks from Soul Oddity, a couple from the Bass Kittens, one from RD. Plus some unusual breakbeat tunes from Digitalis and Darren Price.'s avatar image // / 102109743899011393 Origin link. Source file.
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My show on starts in 30 minutes. Movement Through Thought airs every Friday 06:00 to 07:00 UTC.

I've got another stack of electro and breaks lined up tonight. Tracks from Soul Oddity, Bass Kittens, Volsoc, and RD. Plus whatever glue I can dig up to hold that together.

Tune in at .'s avatar image // / 102087635072893242 Origin link. Source file.
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Finally got around to posting MTT 115's tracklist:

and at :

mp3 at .

, a couple old Detroit tunes, a bit of acid. Closed with the delightfully goofy "Don't Call Me Roland" by Ant Orange. Was a good time.'s avatar image // / 102070539261837561 Origin link. Source file. This is a reply.

Whew. Wore myself out with that one.

Back to watching limit break. And writing up tonight's tracklist.'s avatar image // / 102062425846112694 Origin link. Source file. This is a reply.

Watching while I clean, catch up on some scripting (libopenmpt...), tag audio files, etc.