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I'm streaming Dragon Quest 8 (Playstation 2 game) again over at Currently in the town of Simpleton, have just met Angelo. (Near the beginning of the game).

Been sick a few days so this might be a short session.

DQ8 (pt. 3, first playthrough)

Simpleton thru to Ascantha Castle

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I'm starting a playthrough of Dragon Quest 8: Journey Of The Cursed King (2004, Playstation 2) tonight at

I haven't played a long comfy JRPG in quite a while so this should be nice. (I figure it'll take me two or three months streaming a couple times a week to finish the game).

DQ8 (pt. 1, first playthrough)

Start up to arriving in Alexandria

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Playing Mirror's Edge (2008 FPS game) again tonight over at

Can I complete the game twice in one sitting? Maybe 1.5 times is more realistic.

Faith's Quiet Weekend

Completed ME once, then ran around in Quake

Twitch's avatar image // / 112055840119925177 Origin link. Source file.
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Going to play a bit of Mirror's Edge today over at Starting from the beginning, aim to play ~4 hours, see how far I can get.

Faith's Midday Run

Completed the game in around 3.5 hours.

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I'm starting up a game of Shadowrun SNES randomizer at

I know the game reasonably well but I've never played any kind of randomizer before. So I figure this will take multiple broadcasts to complete.

Jake's Growing Confusion (Shadowrun SNES Rando pt. 1)

Completed 2/3rds of the game

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Loved Mirror's Edge. So glad I finally played it.

I really like complex movement in first-person video games and ME is some of the best. It's really well implemented and animated. It doesn't move like Quake (or CPM, Reflex, Warsow etc) - it's more realistic, has different goals - but it's just as satisfying to play.

Story is both a little slight and also well-suited to the scope of the game. If it were any "bigger" it'd be too much I think.

Combat is... not great. Thankfully it isn't the focus, the point. It did hold me up a few times though.

Sound (ambient sound, sound FX) is excellent. Soundtrack (by Solar Fields) is excellent. Nice glassy ambient and IDM-ish stuff.

I dunno. I want to sit here and praise the movement for several thousand words but this is long enough already. Game is fun.'s avatar image // / 111989699432544687 Origin link. Source file.
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Finishing Mirror's Edge (and likely starting it again) tonight at Starting in a few minutes.

Game is really good.

Faith's Rooftop Adventure (pt. 2, first playthrough)

Completed the game & played a bit more
