
Audio Downloads

Created 2022/10/29. You can skip to the list of posts below.

All posts that include an audio download link. My site generator software looks for this tag as a clue to embed (or, I guess, enclose) audio files in the various RSS / atom feeds on this website.

I've gone back-and-forth with myself over what format and bitrate to distribute; as of 2022/10/29 all audio downloads here are 192kbps mp3 files. They are encoded with lame --preset cbr 192 to be specific.

All posts tagged "audio download":

Presented in reverse chronological order. Jump to 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017.


  1. July 2023 (2 posts)
    1. MTT 332 / No Place Like .mp3
    2. MTT 329 / Over And Over .mp3
  2. June 2023 (2 posts)
    1. MTT 328 / Louder Than Words .mp3
    2. MTT 327 / Best Laid Plans .mp3
  3. May 2023 (4 posts)
    1. MTT 326 / Unexpected Results .mp3
    2. MTT 325 / Internal Friction .mp3
    3. MTT 324 / New Plane Interaction .mp3
    4. MTT 323 / Vague Definition .mp3
  4. April 2023 (4 posts)
    1. MTT 322 / Faint Structure .mp3
    2. MTT 321 / Focus Past .mp3
    3. MTT 320 / Stare Blindly .mp3
    4. MTT 319 / Everything You See .mp3
  5. March 2023 (5 posts)
    1. MTT 318 / Open Spaces .mp3
    2. MTT 317 / Found Within .mp3
    3. MTT 316 / Not Always Empty .mp3
    4. MTT 315 / Hollowed Out .mp3
    5. MTT 314 / Sonic Team (2) .mp3
  6. February 2023 (4 posts)
    1. MTT 313 / Free & Clear .mp3
    2. MTT 312 / Absent Minded .mp3
    3. MTT 311 / Ease & Away .mp3
    4. MTT 310 / Straight Forward .mp3
  7. January 2023 (4 posts)
    1. MTT 309 / In Different Directions .mp3
    2. MTT 308 / Half As Much Again .mp3
    3. MTT 307 / More Than It Looks .mp3
    4. MTT 306 / Wedged Against .mp3

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  1. December 2022 (5 posts)
    1. MTT 305 / At The Root .mp3
    2. MTT 304 / Break Position .mp3
    3. MTT 303 / In Silver Boxes .mp3
    4. MTT 302 / Held Together .mp3
    5. MTT 301 / From Spare Parts .mp3
  2. November 2022 (4 posts)
    1. MTT 300 / Simple Construction .mp3 .mxcl
    2. MTT 299 / No Need .mp3 .mxcl
    3. MTT 298 / Show Me How .mp3 .mxcl
    4. MTT 297 / Not Quite Right .mp3 .mxcl
  3. October 2022 (4 posts)
    1. MTT 296 / Just A Dream? .mp3 .mxcl
    2. MTT 295 / Half Awake & Half Asleep .mp3 .mxcl
    3. MTT 294 / Inside The Fire .mp3 .mxcl
    4. MTT 293 / Feels Alive .mp3 .mxcl
  4. September 2022 (5 posts)
    1. MTT 292 / On The Loose .mp3 .mxcl
    2. MTT 291 / Silver Lining .mp3 .mxcl
    3. MTT 290 / Kind Of Simulation .mp3 .mxcl
    4. MTT 289 / Gateway Trip .mp3 .mxcl
    5. MTT 288 / Sudden Burst .mp3 .mxcl
  5. August 2022 (4 posts)
    1. MTT 287 / Saturation Point .mp3 .mxcl
    2. MTT 286 / Per Square Inch .mp3 .mxcl
    3. MTT 285 / Pump It Up Some .mp3 .mxcl
    4. MTT 284 / Rising Pressure .mp3 .mxcl
  6. July 2022 (4 posts)
    1. MTT 283 / Nothing Down .mp3 .mxcl
    2. MTT 282 / Comforting Disguise .mp3 .mxcl
    3. MTT 281 / Across My Membranes .mp3 .mxcl
    4. MTT 280 / Plastic Ears .mp3 .mxcl

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  1. December 2021 (2 posts)
    1. MTT 253 / Grow Wings .mp3 .mxcl
    2. MTT 252 / Loop Fitting .mp3 .mxcl


  1. December 2020 (1 post)
    1. MTT 200 / New Note Action .mp3 .mxcl


  1. December 2019 (2 posts)
    1. MTT 148 / Backwards & Forwards .mp3
    2. MTT 147 / Pattern Repeat .mp3 .mxcl


  1. December 2018 (1 post)
    1. MTT No. 095 / Beyond Reality .mp3


  1. December 2017 (1 post)
    1. MTT No. 043 / Demosong .mp3