

Created 2021/10/26. You can skip to the list of posts below.

Home video tape cassettes. The popular format of the '80s and '90s. A tough chunk of plastic and toxic chemicals. Very difficult to recycle and irresponsible to throw out. It's best, I think, to keep them (and avoid acquiring more).

All posts tagged "vhs":

Presented in reverse chronological order. Jump to 2022, 2021, 2020, 2018, 2017, 2016.


  1. September 2022 (1 post)
    1. Cameron Paul Tells All .screen
  2. June 2022 (2 posts)
    1. @cev Wrote a little thing about 20 Minutes Into Th…
    2. 20 Minutes Into The Future .photo .screen
  3. March 2022 (1 post)
    1. Footwear Repairs By Craftsmen At Competitive Prices .photo .screen
  4. January 2022 (1 post)
    1. @cev Watching Demon City Shinjuku again for the fi…


  1. September 2021 (1 post)
    1. Media Shelves in FG Before Disassembly .photo


  1. August 2020 (1 post)
    1. @cev More fun with VHS tapes. E.Y.E.S. Of Mars, 19… .screen
  2. July 2020 (1 post)
    1. @cev Fun with #VHS tapes. .screen


  1. November 2018 (1 post)
    1. @cev Tonight I played a digital recording of a VHS…
  2. September 2018 (1 post)
    1. @cev @d.@m.s .screen
  3. August 2018 (1 post)
    1. @cev 100480294563464880 .screen
  4. July 2018 (1 post)
    1. @cev 100303978860259064 .screen
  5. March 2018 (1 post)
    1. @cev @C. .screen


  1. August 2017 (3 posts)
    1. @cev 1116929 .screen
    2. Tron (1982) .screen
    3. @cev Ninja III: The Domination. VHS, bought for $1… .screen
  2. April 2017 (1 post)
    1. Odin Photon Space Sailer Starlight .screen


  1. December 2016 (2 posts)
    1. What's Your Pleasure? .screen
    2. FFmpeg, bktr, and frame read timing .screen
  2. July 2016 (1 post)
    1. FreeBSD, FFmpeg, and a bt848 capture card .photo