Intro & Problem
Stanton QuickGrid is an audio file analysis program for Mac OS X and
Windows distributed with the Stanton SCS.4DJ. It creates
metadata files that contain things like the waveform graphic and beat
grid indicators for use with the SCS.4DJ device. It's a program in two
parts: djanalyze.exe which does the work of generating metadata for one
audio file, and the graphical frontend (pictured above) which automates
the process for many audio files. QuickGrid performs a similar function
to, say, Rekordbox's analysis and export to USB.
It works in two stages. First you "analyze tracks" which creates and
stores analysis metadata files for audio in a location you specify. Then
you "prepare USB device" which crawls a USB drive looking for audio
and copies over the relevant analysis metadata files, and also creates a
file called hashes.dat on the USB drive which the SCS.4DJ reads to
discover new data.
I have a problem with QuickGrid: I don't run either OS X or Windows.
So I worked out what the graphical frontend is doing and how to drive
djanalyze.exe using Wine. Then I wrote a shell script to
automate the process. Some notes on what I found: