
Receiving Webmentions with Blogofile and a little scripting

A common downside to static websites (like this one) is that there's no easy way to handle user interaction. Comments, likes, trackback / pingback / mention, etc. . A bunch of third-party systems exist that solve this problem, the most popular probably being Disqus. Disqus relies on browser javascript (which I strongly dislike) and has a rocky history with user privacy, so it's not something I'm willing to use. Most of the other comment systems available also require javascript so, again, not willing to use.

But I still kind of want a way for visitors to leave comments and, more broadly, for my site to interact with other websites. Enter the IndieWeb community of web developers and their associated standards and projects, notably Webmentions.

Music File Management 1: Formats, Names, and Tags

Like most DJs I have a lot of music and a lot of that is files. CD rips, recordings of cassettes and vinyl, flac and mp3 purchases from online record stores, and so on. Articles and conversations about music library organization are always interesting to me, so I thought I'd take a minute here to document how I handle my own collection.

I manage and interact with my digital music library using a computer that runs FreeBSD. Everything is done from the command-line using the Bourne shell, the standard file utilities, some shell scripts, and a few specialized encoders and tagging programs that I'll list next. I don't use Picard or any of the other automated taggers.