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I really enjoyed Q1 Dimension Of The Machine,

The levels were big, detailed, and well thought-out. Played it on hard and it never felt unfair, I always had the tools (weapons, ammo, cover, etc) to handle the encounters. When it did get spicy it was satisfying not frustrating.

It was also very beautiful. Texturing, lighting, architecture, really fantastic. Good Stuff all around. Glad I (finally) picked it up.'s avatar image // / 112692944041440440 Origin link. Source file.
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Quake 1 Dimension Of The Machine right now over at

This is the map pack/mod that was released for Quake's 25th anniversary in 2021. I haven't played it before, this is my first time through, so I expect it to be impressive / a struggle.

Dimension Of The Machine (first playthrough)

mge1-mge5 and mgend complete

Twitch's avatar image // / 112691957019875619 Origin link. Source file. This is a reply.
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also I seem to have remembered today A. how pointers work and B. that QuakeC has them.'s avatar image // / 112691236205474485 Origin link. Source file.
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I think I've *finally* fixed a persistent bug in my Q1 slidemove code. I can now wallrun up stairs without stopping or getting caught.

Been trying to fix that for at least 6 months.'s avatar image // / 112652967888680228 Origin link. Source file.
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I'm starting a playthrough of the Func Map Jam 6 map pack for Quake today over at

I'm running it with the mod I've been writing as a test of sorts. So there will be some funky movement.

Func Map Jam 6 (w/modded movement)

FMJ 6 + jam6_daya in one shot

Twitch's avatar image // / 112611425978933321 Origin link. Source file. This is a reply.
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and that's Deus Ex finished. Was a good time.

I really enjoyed the gameplay, the surprising number of ways the player can solve different situations.

The story... not really my cup of tea. I like a lot of the elements it was playing with but not so much in that particular combination.

Still: very fun to play. Easy to get in a groove with it. I look forward to playing it again with a different approach, different restrictions and skills.'s avatar image // / 112610798809355404 Origin link. Source file.
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Deus Ex (2000, PC) this afternoon at Part 8; JC enters Area 51. (I'll finish the game today hopefully).

Toot edited to add: unfortunately there's an audio error in this transmission, a bad cable (or patchbay) dropped the left channel of game sound. I've switched to local audio capture ("desktop audio") for future broadcasts.

Deus Ex (pt. 8, first playthrough)

Area 51, Conclusion
