
Git Repos / dotfiles / commit cf58f69

Commit: cf58f69fb82f1002dd399577871f0317d0bf020c
Parent: 9215da4414fb9ac4d27ed1802a01ff8630ef3355
Author: Cameron Vanderzanden, 2024-01-09 11:16
Committer: Cameron Vanderzanden, 2024-01-09 11:16

Commit Message

herbs config changes, move, update README

Change List

?File Add Del
M +8
A attic/bin/ +520
D bin/ -520
M config/herbstluftwm/autostart.fix +38 -27


diff --git a/ b/
index ee2bd73..6f0c9d0 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -29,6 +29,14 @@ IRC client, mail user agent, RSS reader, and editor respectively.

Nothing too unusual in those lists.

+### Themes, Color Choices
+I'm currently using the McMojave GTK2/GTK3/Metacity theme available from
+Terminal colors (and the contents of are gruvbox
+by Morhetz, available here <>.
### Shell Scripts

Most of the shell scripts in this repository are generalized frontends

Return to the top of this page or return to the overview of this repo.

Diff attic/bin/

diff --git a/attic/bin/ b/attic/bin/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..eb62642
--- /dev/null
+++ b/attic/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,520 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2017-2021, Cameron Vanderzanden. Available under the
+# terms of the 2-clause BSD license. Please see the file "LICENSE" in
+# the root dir of this repository for more information.
+#- 2017/01/30 cev, last updated 2021/12/07.
+## Usage: [-1dDhxvV] <file or directory...>
+## List directory contents with pretty (Gruvbox) colors. Requires FreeBSD
+## stat(1). Should not be aliased as ls.
+## -1 Single column output.
+## -d List directories as plain files.
+## -D Don't group directories first.
+## -h Show help.
+## -v Verbose output (for debugging? purposes).
+## -V Print version info.
+## -x Sort multi-column output across rather than down the columns.
+[ -x $HOME/.local/bin/ ] && . $HOME/.local/bin/
+if [ "$COLUMNS" ]; then
+ termwidth=$COLUMNS
+ termwidth=$(tput cols)
+die_filenotfound() {
+ print_filenotfound "$*"
+ exit 1
+print_name() {
+ local width
+ if [ $maxwidth -gt $termwidth ]; then
+ width=${#2}
+ else
+ width=$maxwidth
+ fi
+ printf "%b%-${width}s%b" "$1" "$2" "$3"
+# gruvbox red
+# #5E000A; 94; 0; 10
+# #9D0006; 157; 0; 6
+# #B01E18; 176; 30; 24
+# #CC241D; 204; 36; 29
+# #FB4934; 251; 73; 52
+color_executable() {
+ if [ $st_size -lt 10000 ]; then # 10kb
+ f_color="\033[00;38;2;94;0;10m"
+ elif [ $st_size -lt 100000 ]; then # 100kb
+ f_color="\033[00;38;2;157;0;6m"
+ elif [ $st_size -lt 1000000 ]; then # 1mb
+ f_color="\033[00;38;2;176;30;24m"
+ elif [ $st_size -lt 10000000 ]; then # 10mb
+ f_color="\033[00;38;2;204;36;29m"
+ else
+ f_color="\033[00;38;2;251;73;52m"
+ fi
+# gruvbox blue
+# #83A598; 131; 165; 152
+# #458588; 69; 133; 136
+# #076678; 7; 102; 120
+color_audio() {
+ if [ $st_size -gt 10000000 ]; then # 10 megs
+ f_color="\033[00;38;2;131;165;152m" # bright blue
+ elif [ $st_size -gt 1000000 ]; then # 1 meg
+ f_color="\033[00;38;2;69;133;136m" # blue
+ else
+ f_color="\033[00;38;2;7;102;120m" # faded blue
+ fi
+# gruvbox greenish blue / cyan
+# 24 #076678; 7; 102; 120
+# 67 #458588; 69; 133; 136
+# 109 #83A598; 131; 165; 152
+# 152 #9EC7B7; 158; 199; 183
+# 195 #BFF0DD; 191; 240; 221
+color_video() {
+ if [ $st_size -lt 10000000 ]; then # 10 megs
+ f_color="\033[00;38;2;7;102;120m"
+ elif [ $st_size -lt 100000000 ]; then # 100 megs
+ f_color="\033[00;38;2;69;133;136m"
+ elif [ $st_size -lt 1000000000 ]; then # 1 gig
+ f_color="\033[00;38;2;131;165;152m"
+ elif [ $st_size -lt 2000000000 ]; then # 2 gig
+ f_color="\033[00;38;2;158;199;183m"
+ else
+ f_color="\033[00;38;2;191;240;221m"
+ fi
+# gruvbox cyan
+# 23 #044F20; 4; 79; 32
+# 66 #427B58; 66; 123; 88
+# 73 #689D6A; 104; 157; 106
+# 108 #8EC07C; 142; 192; 124
+# 151 #ABC7A1; 171; 199; 161
+# 194 #BDD7B4; 189; 215; 180
+color_image() {
+ if [ $st_size -lt 1000 ]; then # 1kb
+ f_color="\033[00;38;2;4;79;32m"
+ elif [ $st_size -lt 10000 ]; then # 10kb
+ f_color="\033[00;38;2;66;123;88m"
+ elif [ $st_size -lt 100000 ]; then # 100kb
+ f_color="\033[00;38;2;104;157;106m"
+ elif [ $st_size -lt 1000000 ]; then # 1 meg
+ f_color="\033[00;38;2;142;192;124m"
+ elif [ $st_size -lt 10000000 ]; then # 10 meg
+ f_color="\033[00;38;2;171;199;161m"
+ else
+ f_color="\033[00;38;2;189;215;180m"
+ fi
+# gruvbox; very slightly reddish yellow
+# 94 #784E0D; 120; 78; 13
+# 136 #B57614; 181; 118; 20
+# 178 #D79921; 215; 153; 33
+# 214 #FABD2F; 250; 189; 47
+# 226 #F0C645; 240; 198; 69
+color_archive() {
+ if [ $st_size -lt 10000000 ]; then # 10 meg
+ f_color="\033[00;38;2;120;78;13m"
+ elif [ $st_size -lt 100000000 ]; then # 100 megs
+ f_color="\033[00;38;2;181;118;20m"
+ elif [ $st_size -lt 500000000 ]; then # 500 megs
+ f_color="\033[00;38;2;215;153;33m"
+ elif [ $st_size -lt 1000000000 ]; then # 1 gig
+ f_color="\033[00;38;2;250;189;47m"
+ else
+ f_color="\033[00;38;2;240;198;69m"
+ fi
+# gruvbox; equal parts green and yellow
+# 58 #4F4909; 79; 73; 9
+# 100 #79740E; 121; 116; 14
+# 142 #98971A; 152; 151; 26
+# 184 #B8BB26; 184; 187; 38
+# 226 #F0C645; 240; 198; 69
+color_meta() {
+ if [ $st_size -lt 500 ]; then # 500 bytes
+ f_color="\033[00;38;2;79;73;9m"
+ elif [ $st_size -lt 1000 ]; then # 1kb
+ f_color="\033[00;38;2;121;116;14m"
+ elif [ $st_size -lt 100000 ]; then # 100kb
+ f_color="\033[00;38;2;152;151;26m"
+ else
+ f_color="\033[00;38;2;184;187;38m"
+ fi
+# gruvbox; slightly reddish magenta
+# 53 #4F223E; 79; 34; 62
+# 96 #8F3F71; 143; 63; 113
+# 133 #B16286; 177; 98; 134
+# 175 #D3869B; 211; 134; 155
+# 218 #F0A6BA; 240; 166; 186
+color_code() {
+ if [ $st_size -lt 1000 ]; then # 1kb
+ f_color="\033[00;38;2;79;34;62m"
+ elif [ $st_size -lt 10000 ]; then # 10kb
+ f_color="\033[00;38;2;143;63;113m"
+ elif [ $st_size -lt 100000 ]; then # 100kb
+ f_color="\033[00;38;2;177;98;134m"
+ elif [ $st_size -lt 1000000 ]; then # 1 meg
+ f_color="\033[00;38;2;211;134;155m"
+ else
+ f_color="\033[00;38;2;240;166;186m"
+ fi
+# gruvbox light greyscale - some new intermediary values
+# 244 #928374; 146; 131; 116
+# 248 #BDAE93; 189; 174; 147
+# 249 #CABA9D; 202; 186; 157
+# 250 #D5C4A1; 213; 196; 161
+# 251 #E1CFAA; 225; 207; 170
+# 252 #EBDBB2; 235; 219; 178
+# 253 #F2E5BC; 242; 229; 188
+# 254 #FBF1C7; 251; 241; 199
+color_regular() {
+ if [ -z $st_size ]; then # empty file
+ f_color="\033[00;38;2;146;131;116m"
+ elif [ $st_size -eq 0 ]; then
+ f_color="\033[00;38;2;146;131;116m"
+ elif [ $st_size -lt 500 ]; then # 500 bytes
+ f_color="\033[00;38;2;189;174;147m"
+ elif [ $st_size -lt 1000 ]; then # 1kb
+ f_color="\033[00;38;2;202;186;157m"
+ elif [ $st_size -lt 10000 ]; then # 10kb
+ f_color="\033[00;38;2;213;196;161m"
+ elif [ $st_size -lt 100000 ]; then # 100kb
+ f_color="\033[00;38;2;225;207;170m"
+ elif [ $st_size -lt 1000000 ]; then # 1 meg
+ f_color="\033[00;38;2;235;219;178m"
+ elif [ $st_size -lt 10000000 ]; then # 10 meg
+ f_color="\033[00;38;2;242;229;188m"
+ else
+ f_color="\033[00;38;2;251;241;199m"
+ fi
+color_file() {
+ # let's walk the plank
+ case "$shortname" in
+ # audio
+ *.[aA][cC][cC]) color_audio ;;
+ *.[aA][uU]) color_audio ;;
+ *.[aA][xX][aA]) color_audio ;;
+ *.[bB][mM][xX]) color_audio ;;
+ *.[fF][lL][aA][cC]) color_audio ;;
+ *.[iI][tT]) color_audio ;;
+ *.[mM][4][aA]) color_audio ;;
+ *.[mM][iI][dD]) color_audio ;;
+ *.[mM][iI][dD][iI]) color_audio ;;
+ *.[mM][kK][aA]) color_audio ;;
+ *.[mM][oO][dD]) color_audio ;;
+ *.[mM][pP]3) color_audio ;;
+ *.[mM][pP][cC]) color_audio ;;
+ *.[oO][gG][gG]) color_audio ;;
+ *.[rR][aA]) color_audio ;;
+ *.[sS]3[mM]) color_audio ;;
+ *.[sS]3[zZ]) color_audio ;;
+ *.[sS][tT][mM]) color_audio ;;
+ *.[sS][pP][xX]) color_audio ;;
+ *.[wW][aA][vV]) color_audio ;;
+ *.[xX][mM]) color_audio ;;
+ *.[xX][mM][zZ]) color_audio ;;
+ *.[xX][rR][nN][iI]) color_audio ;;
+ *.[xX][rR][nN][lL]) color_audio ;;
+ *.[xX][rR][nN][sS]) color_audio ;;
+ # video
+ *.[aA][vV][iI]) color_video ;;
+ *.[fF][lL][vV]) color_video ;;
+ *.[mM]4[vV]) color_video ;;
+ *.[mM][kK][vV]) color_video ;;
+ *.[mM][oO][vV]) color_video ;;
+ *.[mM][pP]4) color_video ;;
+ *.[mM][pP][gG]) color_video ;;
+ *.[mM][pP][eE][gG]) color_video ;;
+ *.[oO][gG][mM]) color_video ;;
+ *.[vV][oO][bB]) color_video ;;
+ *.[wW][eE][bB][mM]) color_video ;;
+ *.[wW][mM][vV]) color_video ;;
+ # images
+ *.[bB][mM][pP]) color_image ;;
+ *.[dD][dD][sS]) color_image ;;
+ *.[gG][iI][fF]) color_image ;;
+ *.[iI][cC][oO]) color_image ;;
+ *.[jJ][pP][gG]) color_image ;;
+ *.[jJ][pP][eE][gG]) color_image ;;
+ *.[mM][nN][gG]) color_image ;;
+ *.[nN][iI][fF]) color_image ;;
+ *.[pP][bB][mM]) color_image ;;
+ *.[pP][gG][mM]) color_image ;;
+ *.[pP][nN][gG]) color_image ;;
+ *.[pP][pP][mM]) color_image ;;
+ *.[sS][vV][gG]) color_image ;;
+ *.[sS][vV][gG][zZ]) color_image ;;
+ *.[tT][gG][aA]) color_image ;;
+ *.[tT][iI][fF]) color_image ;;
+ *.[tT][iI][fF][fF]) color_image ;;
+ *.[xX][bB][mM]) color_image ;;
+ *.[xX][cC][fF]) color_image ;;
+ *.[xX][pP][mM]) color_image ;;
+ # archive formats
+ *.7[zZ]) color_archive ;;
+ *.[aA][rR][jJ]) color_archive ;;
+ *.[bB][zZ]2) color_archive ;;
+ *.[cC][pP][iI][oO]) color_archive ;;
+ *.[dD][eE][bB]) color_archive ;;
+ *.[gG][pP][gG]) color_archive ;;
+ *.[gG][zZ]) color_archive ;;
+ *.[iI][mM][gG]) color_archive ;;
+ *.[iI][sS][oO]) color_archive ;;
+ *.[lL][zZ][hH]) color_archive ;;
+ *.[pP][kK]3) color_archive ;;
+ *.[rR][aA][rR]) color_archive ;;
+ *.[rR][pP][mM]) color_archive ;;
+ *.[tT][aA][rR]) color_archive ;;
+ *.[tT][gG][zZ]) color_archive ;;
+ *.[xX][zZ]) color_archive ;;
+ *.[zZ][iI][pP]) color_archive ;;
+ # "metadata" files
+ *.[aA][sS][sS]) color_meta ;;
+ *.[cC][uU][eE]) color_meta ;;
+ *.[dD][iI][zZ]) color_meta ;;
+ *.[eE][gG][gG]) color_meta ;;
+ *.[lL][oO][gG]) color_meta ;;
+ *.[mM]3[uU]) color_meta ;;
+ *.[mM]3[uU]8) color_meta ;;
+ *.[nN][fF][oO]) color_meta ;;
+ *.[rR][eE][aA][dD][mM][eE]) color_meta ;;
+ *.[sS][fF][vV]) color_meta ;;
+ *.[sS][rR][tT]) color_meta ;;
+ *.[tT][rR][aA][cC][kK][lL][iI][sS][tT]) color_meta ;;
+ # software source code
+ *.[aA]) color_code ;;
+ *.[bB][sS][pP]) color_code ;;
+ *.[cC]) color_code ;;
+ *.[cC][cC]) color_code ;;
+ *.[cC][pP][pP]) color_code ;;
+ *.[dD]) color_code ;;
+ *.[dD][iI][fF][fF]) color_code ;;
+ *.[hH]) color_code ;;
+ *.[hH]++) color_code ;;
+ *.[hH][hH]) color_code ;;
+ *.[hH][pP][pP]) color_code ;;
+ *.[hH][xX][xX]) color_code ;;
+ *.[lL][aA]) color_code ;;
+ *.[lL][pP][iI]) color_code ;;
+ *.[lL][uU][aA]) color_code ;;
+ *.[mM][aA][pP]) color_code ;;
+ *.[mM][kK]) color_code ;;
+ *.[oO]) color_code ;;
+ *.[pP][aA][sS]) color_code ;;
+ *.[pP][lL]) color_code ;;
+ *.[pP][yY]) color_code ;;
+ *.[pP][yY][cC]) color_code ;;
+ *.[pP][yY][oO]) color_code ;;
+ *.[qQ][cC]) color_code ;;
+ *.[qQ][hH]) color_code ;;
+ *.[sS][hH]) color_code ;;
+ *.[sS][rR][cC]) color_code ;;
+ Makefile) color_code ;;
+ # backup files
+ *.default) f_color="\033[00;38;2;124;111;100m" ;;
+ *.orig) f_color="\033[00;38;2;124;111;100m" ;;
+ *.backup|*.old|*.bak|*.back) f_color="\033[00;38;2;124;111;100m" ;;
+ *.backup1|*.old1|*.bak1|*.back1) f_color="\033[00;38;2;102;92;84m" ;;
+ *.backup2|*.old2|*.bak2|*.back2) f_color="\033[00;38;2;80;73;69m" ;;
+ *.backup3|*.old3|*.bak3|*.back3) f_color="\033[00;38;2;60;56;52m" ;;
+ *) color_regular ;;
+ esac
+do_entry() {
+ local f_color f_clear
+ shortname="${st_name##*'/'}"
+ if [ -L "$st_name" ]; then # link
+ f_color="\033[01;37m"
+ elif [ -d "$st_name" ]; then # directory
+ f_color="\033[01;33m"
+ elif [ -b "$st_name" ]; then # block special
+ f_color="\033[00;38;2;254;128;25m" # 208 #FE8019; 254; 128; 25
+ elif [ -c "$st_name" ]; then # character special
+ f_color="\033[00;38;2;214;93;14m" # 172 #D65D0E; 214; 93; 14
+ elif [ -p "$st_name" ]; then # named pipe
+ f_color="\033[00;38;2;175;58;3m" # 130 #AF3A03; 175; 58; 3
+ elif [ -S "$st_name" ]; then # socket
+ f_color="\033[00;38;2;175;58;3m" # 130 #AF3A03; 175; 58; 3
+ elif [ -x "$st_name" ]; then # executable
+ color_executable
+ else
+ color_file
+ fi
+ f_clear="\033[0m"
+ print_name "$f_color" "$shortname" "$f_clear"
+sort_directories_first() {
+ local i=1
+ newout=""
+ while [ $i -lt $# ]; do
+ eval st_name="\${$i}"
+ if [ -d "$st_name" ]; then
+ eval st_size="\${$((i + 1))}"
+ # yes, those are tab characters in the next line.
+ newout="${newout}${st_name} ${st_size} "
+ fi
+ i=$((i + inputfields))
+ done
+ i=1
+ while [ $i -lt $# ]; do
+ eval st_name="\${$i}"
+ if [ ! -d "$st_name" ]; then
+ eval st_size="\${$((i + 1))}"
+ # tab characters again.
+ newout="${newout}${st_name} ${st_size} "
+ fi
+ i=$((i + inputfields))
+ done
+ statout=${newout}
+ unset newout
+find_widths() {
+ local i=1
+ maxwidth=1
+ while [ $i -lt $# ]; do
+ eval st_name="\${$i}"
+ shortname="${st_name##*'/'}"
+ [ ${#shortname} -gt $maxwidth ] && maxwidth=${#shortname}
+ i=$((i + inputfields))
+ done
+ maxwidth=$((maxwidth + 1))
+ entries=$#
+ entries=$((entries / inputfields))
+ if [ $maxwidth -ge $termwidth ]; then
+ numcols=1
+ else
+ numcols=$((termwidth / maxwidth))
+ fi
+ numrows=$((entries / numcols))
+ if [ $((entries % numcols)) -ne 0 ]; then
+ numrows=$((numrows + 1))
+ fi
+find_widths_single() {
+ entries=$#
+ entries=$((entries / inputfields))
+ numrows=$entries
+loop_across() {
+ local i=1
+ local col=1
+ while [ $i -lt $# ]; do
+ eval st_name="\${$i}"
+ eval st_size="\${$((i + 1))}"
+ do_entry
+ if [ $col -ge $numcols ]; then
+ printf "\n"
+ col=1
+ else
+ col=$((col + 1))
+ fi
+ i=$((i + inputfields))
+ done
+ [ $col -gt 1 ] && printf "\n"
+# based on FreeBSD column(1), specifically /usr/src/usr.bin/column/column.c
+# also available at
+loop_down() {
+ local base=0
+ local row=1
+ local col=0
+ while [ $row -lt $((numrows * inputfields)) ]; do
+ col=0
+ base=$row
+ while [ $col -lt $numcols ]; do
+ eval st_name="\${$base}"
+ eval st_size="\${$((base + 1))}"
+ do_entry
+ base=$((base + (numrows * inputfields)))
+ col=$((col + 1))
+ done
+ printf "\n"
+ row=$((row + inputfields))
+ done
+while getopts "1dDhvVx?" option; do
+ case $option in
+ 1) single_column="Y" ;;
+ d) directories_as_files="Y" ;;
+ D) unset group_directories_first ;;
+ h) print_help && exit ;;
+ v) verbose="Y" ;;
+ V) print_version && exit ;;
+ x) across="Y" ;;
+ "?") print_help && exit ;;
+ esac
+ shift $((OPTIND - 1))
+[ $# -lt 1 ] && target="."
+[ ! -e "$target" ] && die_filenotfound "$target"
+zIFS="$IFS" && IFS=$(printf "\n\t")
+if [ -d "$target" -a -z "$directories_as_files" ]; then
+ statout=$(stat -f "%N%t%z%t" "$target"/* | sort -t " " -d -k1)
+ statout=$(stat -f "%N%t%z%t" "$target" | sort -t " " -d -k1)
+if [ -z "$single_column" ]; then
+ find_widths $statout
+ find_widths_single $statout
+[ "$group_directories_first" ] && sort_directories_first $statout
+if [ "$verbose" ]; then
+ print_self
+ printf "entries: %s, columns: %s, rows: %s\n" \
+ "$entries" "$numcols" "$numrows"
+if [ "$across" ]; then
+ loop_across $statout
+ loop_down $statout
+IFS="$zIFS" && unset zIFS

Return to the top of this page or return to the overview of this repo.

Diff bin/

diff --git a/bin/ b/bin/
deleted file mode 100755
index eb62642..0000000
--- a/bin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,520 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2017-2021, Cameron Vanderzanden. Available under the
-# terms of the 2-clause BSD license. Please see the file "LICENSE" in
-# the root dir of this repository for more information.
-#- 2017/01/30 cev, last updated 2021/12/07.
-## Usage: [-1dDhxvV] <file or directory...>
-## List directory contents with pretty (Gruvbox) colors. Requires FreeBSD
-## stat(1). Should not be aliased as ls.
-## -1 Single column output.
-## -d List directories as plain files.
-## -D Don't group directories first.
-## -h Show help.
-## -v Verbose output (for debugging? purposes).
-## -V Print version info.
-## -x Sort multi-column output across rather than down the columns.
-[ -x $HOME/.local/bin/ ] && . $HOME/.local/bin/
-if [ "$COLUMNS" ]; then
- termwidth=$COLUMNS
- termwidth=$(tput cols)
-die_filenotfound() {
- print_filenotfound "$*"
- exit 1
-print_name() {
- local width
- if [ $maxwidth -gt $termwidth ]; then
- width=${#2}
- else
- width=$maxwidth
- fi
- printf "%b%-${width}s%b" "$1" "$2" "$3"
-# gruvbox red
-# #5E000A; 94; 0; 10
-# #9D0006; 157; 0; 6
-# #B01E18; 176; 30; 24
-# #CC241D; 204; 36; 29
-# #FB4934; 251; 73; 52
-color_executable() {
- if [ $st_size -lt 10000 ]; then # 10kb
- f_color="\033[00;38;2;94;0;10m"
- elif [ $st_size -lt 100000 ]; then # 100kb
- f_color="\033[00;38;2;157;0;6m"
- elif [ $st_size -lt 1000000 ]; then # 1mb
- f_color="\033[00;38;2;176;30;24m"
- elif [ $st_size -lt 10000000 ]; then # 10mb
- f_color="\033[00;38;2;204;36;29m"
- else
- f_color="\033[00;38;2;251;73;52m"
- fi
-# gruvbox blue
-# #83A598; 131; 165; 152
-# #458588; 69; 133; 136
-# #076678; 7; 102; 120
-color_audio() {
- if [ $st_size -gt 10000000 ]; then # 10 megs
- f_color="\033[00;38;2;131;165;152m" # bright blue
- elif [ $st_size -gt 1000000 ]; then # 1 meg
- f_color="\033[00;38;2;69;133;136m" # blue
- else
- f_color="\033[00;38;2;7;102;120m" # faded blue
- fi
-# gruvbox greenish blue / cyan
-# 24 #076678; 7; 102; 120
-# 67 #458588; 69; 133; 136
-# 109 #83A598; 131; 165; 152
-# 152 #9EC7B7; 158; 199; 183
-# 195 #BFF0DD; 191; 240; 221
-color_video() {
- if [ $st_size -lt 10000000 ]; then # 10 megs
- f_color="\033[00;38;2;7;102;120m"
- elif [ $st_size -lt 100000000 ]; then # 100 megs
- f_color="\033[00;38;2;69;133;136m"
- elif [ $st_size -lt 1000000000 ]; then # 1 gig
- f_color="\033[00;38;2;131;165;152m"
- elif [ $st_size -lt 2000000000 ]; then # 2 gig
- f_color="\033[00;38;2;158;199;183m"
- else
- f_color="\033[00;38;2;191;240;221m"
- fi
-# gruvbox cyan
-# 23 #044F20; 4; 79; 32
-# 66 #427B58; 66; 123; 88
-# 73 #689D6A; 104; 157; 106
-# 108 #8EC07C; 142; 192; 124
-# 151 #ABC7A1; 171; 199; 161
-# 194 #BDD7B4; 189; 215; 180
-color_image() {
- if [ $st_size -lt 1000 ]; then # 1kb
- f_color="\033[00;38;2;4;79;32m"
- elif [ $st_size -lt 10000 ]; then # 10kb
- f_color="\033[00;38;2;66;123;88m"
- elif [ $st_size -lt 100000 ]; then # 100kb
- f_color="\033[00;38;2;104;157;106m"
- elif [ $st_size -lt 1000000 ]; then # 1 meg
- f_color="\033[00;38;2;142;192;124m"
- elif [ $st_size -lt 10000000 ]; then # 10 meg
- f_color="\033[00;38;2;171;199;161m"
- else
- f_color="\033[00;38;2;189;215;180m"
- fi
-# gruvbox; very slightly reddish yellow
-# 94 #784E0D; 120; 78; 13
-# 136 #B57614; 181; 118; 20
-# 178 #D79921; 215; 153; 33
-# 214 #FABD2F; 250; 189; 47
-# 226 #F0C645; 240; 198; 69
-color_archive() {
- if [ $st_size -lt 10000000 ]; then # 10 meg
- f_color="\033[00;38;2;120;78;13m"
- elif [ $st_size -lt 100000000 ]; then # 100 megs
- f_color="\033[00;38;2;181;118;20m"
- elif [ $st_size -lt 500000000 ]; then # 500 megs
- f_color="\033[00;38;2;215;153;33m"
- elif [ $st_size -lt 1000000000 ]; then # 1 gig
- f_color="\033[00;38;2;250;189;47m"
- else
- f_color="\033[00;38;2;240;198;69m"
- fi
-# gruvbox; equal parts green and yellow
-# 58 #4F4909; 79; 73; 9
-# 100 #79740E; 121; 116; 14
-# 142 #98971A; 152; 151; 26
-# 184 #B8BB26; 184; 187; 38
-# 226 #F0C645; 240; 198; 69
-color_meta() {
- if [ $st_size -lt 500 ]; then # 500 bytes
- f_color="\033[00;38;2;79;73;9m"
- elif [ $st_size -lt 1000 ]; then # 1kb
- f_color="\033[00;38;2;121;116;14m"
- elif [ $st_size -lt 100000 ]; then # 100kb
- f_color="\033[00;38;2;152;151;26m"
- else
- f_color="\033[00;38;2;184;187;38m"
- fi
-# gruvbox; slightly reddish magenta
-# 53 #4F223E; 79; 34; 62
-# 96 #8F3F71; 143; 63; 113
-# 133 #B16286; 177; 98; 134
-# 175 #D3869B; 211; 134; 155
-# 218 #F0A6BA; 240; 166; 186
-color_code() {
- if [ $st_size -lt 1000 ]; then # 1kb
- f_color="\033[00;38;2;79;34;62m"
- elif [ $st_size -lt 10000 ]; then # 10kb
- f_color="\033[00;38;2;143;63;113m"
- elif [ $st_size -lt 100000 ]; then # 100kb
- f_color="\033[00;38;2;177;98;134m"
- elif [ $st_size -lt 1000000 ]; then # 1 meg
- f_color="\033[00;38;2;211;134;155m"
- else
- f_color="\033[00;38;2;240;166;186m"
- fi
-# gruvbox light greyscale - some new intermediary values
-# 244 #928374; 146; 131; 116
-# 248 #BDAE93; 189; 174; 147
-# 249 #CABA9D; 202; 186; 157
-# 250 #D5C4A1; 213; 196; 161
-# 251 #E1CFAA; 225; 207; 170
-# 252 #EBDBB2; 235; 219; 178
-# 253 #F2E5BC; 242; 229; 188
-# 254 #FBF1C7; 251; 241; 199
-color_regular() {
- if [ -z $st_size ]; then # empty file
- f_color="\033[00;38;2;146;131;116m"
- elif [ $st_size -eq 0 ]; then
- f_color="\033[00;38;2;146;131;116m"
- elif [ $st_size -lt 500 ]; then # 500 bytes
- f_color="\033[00;38;2;189;174;147m"
- elif [ $st_size -lt 1000 ]; then # 1kb
- f_color="\033[00;38;2;202;186;157m"
- elif [ $st_size -lt 10000 ]; then # 10kb
- f_color="\033[00;38;2;213;196;161m"
- elif [ $st_size -lt 100000 ]; then # 100kb
- f_color="\033[00;38;2;225;207;170m"
- elif [ $st_size -lt 1000000 ]; then # 1 meg
- f_color="\033[00;38;2;235;219;178m"
- elif [ $st_size -lt 10000000 ]; then # 10 meg
- f_color="\033[00;38;2;242;229;188m"
- else
- f_color="\033[00;38;2;251;241;199m"
- fi
-color_file() {
- # let's walk the plank
- case "$shortname" in
- # audio
- *.[aA][cC][cC]) color_audio ;;
- *.[aA][uU]) color_audio ;;
- *.[aA][xX][aA]) color_audio ;;
- *.[bB][mM][xX]) color_audio ;;
- *.[fF][lL][aA][cC]) color_audio ;;
- *.[iI][tT]) color_audio ;;
- *.[mM][4][aA]) color_audio ;;
- *.[mM][iI][dD]) color_audio ;;
- *.[mM][iI][dD][iI]) color_audio ;;
- *.[mM][kK][aA]) color_audio ;;
- *.[mM][oO][dD]) color_audio ;;
- *.[mM][pP]3) color_audio ;;
- *.[mM][pP][cC]) color_audio ;;
- *.[oO][gG][gG]) color_audio ;;
- *.[rR][aA]) color_audio ;;
- *.[sS]3[mM]) color_audio ;;
- *.[sS]3[zZ]) color_audio ;;
- *.[sS][tT][mM]) color_audio ;;
- *.[sS][pP][xX]) color_audio ;;
- *.[wW][aA][vV]) color_audio ;;
- *.[xX][mM]) color_audio ;;
- *.[xX][mM][zZ]) color_audio ;;
- *.[xX][rR][nN][iI]) color_audio ;;
- *.[xX][rR][nN][lL]) color_audio ;;
- *.[xX][rR][nN][sS]) color_audio ;;
- # video
- *.[aA][vV][iI]) color_video ;;
- *.[fF][lL][vV]) color_video ;;
- *.[mM]4[vV]) color_video ;;
- *.[mM][kK][vV]) color_video ;;
- *.[mM][oO][vV]) color_video ;;
- *.[mM][pP]4) color_video ;;
- *.[mM][pP][gG]) color_video ;;
- *.[mM][pP][eE][gG]) color_video ;;
- *.[oO][gG][mM]) color_video ;;
- *.[vV][oO][bB]) color_video ;;
- *.[wW][eE][bB][mM]) color_video ;;
- *.[wW][mM][vV]) color_video ;;
- # images
- *.[bB][mM][pP]) color_image ;;
- *.[dD][dD][sS]) color_image ;;
- *.[gG][iI][fF]) color_image ;;
- *.[iI][cC][oO]) color_image ;;
- *.[jJ][pP][gG]) color_image ;;
- *.[jJ][pP][eE][gG]) color_image ;;
- *.[mM][nN][gG]) color_image ;;
- *.[nN][iI][fF]) color_image ;;
- *.[pP][bB][mM]) color_image ;;
- *.[pP][gG][mM]) color_image ;;
- *.[pP][nN][gG]) color_image ;;
- *.[pP][pP][mM]) color_image ;;
- *.[sS][vV][gG]) color_image ;;
- *.[sS][vV][gG][zZ]) color_image ;;
- *.[tT][gG][aA]) color_image ;;
- *.[tT][iI][fF]) color_image ;;
- *.[tT][iI][fF][fF]) color_image ;;
- *.[xX][bB][mM]) color_image ;;
- *.[xX][cC][fF]) color_image ;;
- *.[xX][pP][mM]) color_image ;;
- # archive formats
- *.7[zZ]) color_archive ;;
- *.[aA][rR][jJ]) color_archive ;;
- *.[bB][zZ]2) color_archive ;;
- *.[cC][pP][iI][oO]) color_archive ;;
- *.[dD][eE][bB]) color_archive ;;
- *.[gG][pP][gG]) color_archive ;;
- *.[gG][zZ]) color_archive ;;
- *.[iI][mM][gG]) color_archive ;;
- *.[iI][sS][oO]) color_archive ;;
- *.[lL][zZ][hH]) color_archive ;;
- *.[pP][kK]3) color_archive ;;
- *.[rR][aA][rR]) color_archive ;;
- *.[rR][pP][mM]) color_archive ;;
- *.[tT][aA][rR]) color_archive ;;
- *.[tT][gG][zZ]) color_archive ;;
- *.[xX][zZ]) color_archive ;;
- *.[zZ][iI][pP]) color_archive ;;
- # "metadata" files
- *.[aA][sS][sS]) color_meta ;;
- *.[cC][uU][eE]) color_meta ;;
- *.[dD][iI][zZ]) color_meta ;;
- *.[eE][gG][gG]) color_meta ;;
- *.[lL][oO][gG]) color_meta ;;
- *.[mM]3[uU]) color_meta ;;
- *.[mM]3[uU]8) color_meta ;;
- *.[nN][fF][oO]) color_meta ;;
- *.[rR][eE][aA][dD][mM][eE]) color_meta ;;
- *.[sS][fF][vV]) color_meta ;;
- *.[sS][rR][tT]) color_meta ;;
- *.[tT][rR][aA][cC][kK][lL][iI][sS][tT]) color_meta ;;
- # software source code
- *.[aA]) color_code ;;
- *.[bB][sS][pP]) color_code ;;
- *.[cC]) color_code ;;
- *.[cC][cC]) color_code ;;
- *.[cC][pP][pP]) color_code ;;
- *.[dD]) color_code ;;
- *.[dD][iI][fF][fF]) color_code ;;
- *.[hH]) color_code ;;
- *.[hH]++) color_code ;;
- *.[hH][hH]) color_code ;;
- *.[hH][pP][pP]) color_code ;;
- *.[hH][xX][xX]) color_code ;;
- *.[lL][aA]) color_code ;;
- *.[lL][pP][iI]) color_code ;;
- *.[lL][uU][aA]) color_code ;;
- *.[mM][aA][pP]) color_code ;;
- *.[mM][kK]) color_code ;;
- *.[oO]) color_code ;;
- *.[pP][aA][sS]) color_code ;;
- *.[pP][lL]) color_code ;;
- *.[pP][yY]) color_code ;;
- *.[pP][yY][cC]) color_code ;;
- *.[pP][yY][oO]) color_code ;;
- *.[qQ][cC]) color_code ;;
- *.[qQ][hH]) color_code ;;
- *.[sS][hH]) color_code ;;
- *.[sS][rR][cC]) color_code ;;
- Makefile) color_code ;;
- # backup files
- *.default) f_color="\033[00;38;2;124;111;100m" ;;
- *.orig) f_color="\033[00;38;2;124;111;100m" ;;
- *.backup|*.old|*.bak|*.back) f_color="\033[00;38;2;124;111;100m" ;;
- *.backup1|*.old1|*.bak1|*.back1) f_color="\033[00;38;2;102;92;84m" ;;
- *.backup2|*.old2|*.bak2|*.back2) f_color="\033[00;38;2;80;73;69m" ;;
- *.backup3|*.old3|*.bak3|*.back3) f_color="\033[00;38;2;60;56;52m" ;;
- *) color_regular ;;
- esac
-do_entry() {
- local f_color f_clear
- shortname="${st_name##*'/'}"
- if [ -L "$st_name" ]; then # link
- f_color="\033[01;37m"
- elif [ -d "$st_name" ]; then # directory
- f_color="\033[01;33m"
- elif [ -b "$st_name" ]; then # block special
- f_color="\033[00;38;2;254;128;25m" # 208 #FE8019; 254; 128; 25
- elif [ -c "$st_name" ]; then # character special
- f_color="\033[00;38;2;214;93;14m" # 172 #D65D0E; 214; 93; 14
- elif [ -p "$st_name" ]; then # named pipe
- f_color="\033[00;38;2;175;58;3m" # 130 #AF3A03; 175; 58; 3
- elif [ -S "$st_name" ]; then # socket
- f_color="\033[00;38;2;175;58;3m" # 130 #AF3A03; 175; 58; 3
- elif [ -x "$st_name" ]; then # executable
- color_executable
- else
- color_file
- fi
- f_clear="\033[0m"
- print_name "$f_color" "$shortname" "$f_clear"
-sort_directories_first() {
- local i=1
- newout=""
- while [ $i -lt $# ]; do
- eval st_name="\${$i}"
- if [ -d "$st_name" ]; then
- eval st_size="\${$((i + 1))}"
- # yes, those are tab characters in the next line.
- newout="${newout}${st_name} ${st_size} "
- fi
- i=$((i + inputfields))
- done
- i=1
- while [ $i -lt $# ]; do
- eval st_name="\${$i}"
- if [ ! -d "$st_name" ]; then
- eval st_size="\${$((i + 1))}"
- # tab characters again.
- newout="${newout}${st_name} ${st_size} "
- fi
- i=$((i + inputfields))
- done
- statout=${newout}
- unset newout
-find_widths() {
- local i=1
- maxwidth=1
- while [ $i -lt $# ]; do
- eval st_name="\${$i}"
- shortname="${st_name##*'/'}"
- [ ${#shortname} -gt $maxwidth ] && maxwidth=${#shortname}
- i=$((i + inputfields))
- done
- maxwidth=$((maxwidth + 1))
- entries=$#
- entries=$((entries / inputfields))
- if [ $maxwidth -ge $termwidth ]; then
- numcols=1
- else
- numcols=$((termwidth / maxwidth))
- fi
- numrows=$((entries / numcols))
- if [ $((entries % numcols)) -ne 0 ]; then
- numrows=$((numrows + 1))
- fi
-find_widths_single() {
- entries=$#
- entries=$((entries / inputfields))
- numrows=$entries
-loop_across() {
- local i=1
- local col=1
- while [ $i -lt $# ]; do
- eval st_name="\${$i}"
- eval st_size="\${$((i + 1))}"
- do_entry
- if [ $col -ge $numcols ]; then
- printf "\n"
- col=1
- else
- col=$((col + 1))
- fi
- i=$((i + inputfields))
- done
- [ $col -gt 1 ] && printf "\n"
-# based on FreeBSD column(1), specifically /usr/src/usr.bin/column/column.c
-# also available at
-loop_down() {
- local base=0
- local row=1
- local col=0
- while [ $row -lt $((numrows * inputfields)) ]; do
- col=0
- base=$row
- while [ $col -lt $numcols ]; do
- eval st_name="\${$base}"
- eval st_size="\${$((base + 1))}"
- do_entry
- base=$((base + (numrows * inputfields)))
- col=$((col + 1))
- done
- printf "\n"
- row=$((row + inputfields))
- done
-while getopts "1dDhvVx?" option; do
- case $option in
- 1) single_column="Y" ;;
- d) directories_as_files="Y" ;;
- D) unset group_directories_first ;;
- h) print_help && exit ;;
- v) verbose="Y" ;;
- V) print_version && exit ;;
- x) across="Y" ;;
- "?") print_help && exit ;;
- esac
- shift $((OPTIND - 1))
-[ $# -lt 1 ] && target="."
-[ ! -e "$target" ] && die_filenotfound "$target"
-zIFS="$IFS" && IFS=$(printf "\n\t")
-if [ -d "$target" -a -z "$directories_as_files" ]; then
- statout=$(stat -f "%N%t%z%t" "$target"/* | sort -t " " -d -k1)
- statout=$(stat -f "%N%t%z%t" "$target" | sort -t " " -d -k1)
-if [ -z "$single_column" ]; then
- find_widths $statout
- find_widths_single $statout
-[ "$group_directories_first" ] && sort_directories_first $statout
-if [ "$verbose" ]; then
- print_self
- printf "entries: %s, columns: %s, rows: %s\n" \
- "$entries" "$numcols" "$numrows"
-if [ "$across" ]; then
- loop_across $statout
- loop_down $statout
-IFS="$zIFS" && unset zIFS

Return to the top of this page or return to the overview of this repo.

Diff config/herbstluftwm/autostart.fix

diff --git a/config/herbstluftwm/autostart.fix b/config/herbstluftwm/autostart.fix
index cc7e1f2..6154d2e 100644
--- a/config/herbstluftwm/autostart.fix
+++ b/config/herbstluftwm/autostart.fix
@@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ hc keybind $mod-Shift-c cycle -1
hc keybind $mod-n cycle +1
hc keybind $mod-Shift-n cycle -1
hc keybind $mod-i jumpto urgent
-hc keybind $mod-Tab cycle_all +1
-hc keybind $mod-Shift-Tab cycle_all -1
+hc keybind $mod-Tab use_previous
+hc keybind $mod-Shift-Tab use_previous

# keyboard bindings / layouting
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ hc attr theme.floating.reset 0
hc attr theme.border_width 0 # 8
hc attr theme.inner_width 0 # 0
hc attr theme.outer_width 0 # 4 (?)
-hc attr theme.padding_top 8 # for a not-titelbar
+hc attr theme.padding_top 0 # for a not-titelbar
hc attr theme.padding_left 0
hc attr theme.padding_bottom 4 # like WindowMaker
hc attr theme.padding_right 0
@@ -179,6 +179,7 @@ hc attr theme.title_align 'left' # 'center'
hc attr theme.title_depth 0 # 8 is good
hc attr theme.title_height 0 # 22 is good
hc attr theme.title_font 'Inconsolata-20'
+hc attr theme.title_when 'never'

# colors
hc attr theme.background_color 'xDK0h'
@@ -193,47 +194,57 @@ hc attr 'xDK0'
hc attr 'xLT4'
hc attr theme.urgent.background_color 'xORNf'
hc attr theme.urgent.color 'xORNn'
-hc attr theme.urgent.inner_color 'xORNf'
+hc attr theme.urgent.inner_color 'xORNn'
hc attr theme.urgent.outer_color 'xORNb'
hc attr theme.urgent.title_color 'xDK0'
+hc attr 'xGRNf'
+hc attr 'xGRNf'
+hc attr 'xGRNn'
+hc attr 'xAQUf'
+hc attr 'xAQUf'
+hc attr 'xAQUn'
hc attr settings.frame_bg_normal_color 'xDK0h'
hc attr settings.frame_bg_active_color 'xDK0h'
hc attr settings.frame_border_normal_color 'xDK0'
hc attr settings.frame_border_active_color 'xDK2'

-# rules
+# generic high-level rules
hc unrule -F
-hc rule focus=off
-hc rule class=mpv focus=off pseudotile=off
-hc rule class=XConsole focus=off tag="$(nameforidx 3 $tagnames)" index=0
+hc rule fixedsize floating=on
+hc rule focus=off floatplacement=smart
+hc rule windowtype~'_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_(DIALOG|UTILITY|SPLASH)' floating=on
+hc rule windowtype='_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DIALOG' focus=on floatplacement=none
hc rule windowtype~'_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_(NOTIFICATION|DOCK|DESKTOP)' manage=off
-hc rule manage=off
-# windows that shouldn't be decorated
+hc rule class~'(.*[Ee][Xx][Ee])' floating=on
+# specific classes: consoles and terminals
+hc rule class=Alacritty focus=on
+hc rule class=Mate-terminal focus=on
+hc rule class=qterminal focus=on
+hc rule class~'(.*[Rr]xvt.*|.*[Tt]erm|Konsole)' focus=on
+hc rule class=XConsole focus=off tag="$(nameforidx 3 $tagnames)" index=0
+hc rule class=xterm-256color focus=on
+# specific classes: desktop applications, desktop environment features
hc rule class=Caja hook=undecorate
+hc rule manage=off
hc rule class=Com.github.jmoerman.go-for-it hook=undecorate
-# windows that should get focus. terminal emulators, image viewers, etc.
-hc rule class=Alacritty focus=on
+hc rule class=Mate-notification-daemon manage=off
+hc rule class=pinentry-qt5 floating=on focus=on floatplacement=center
+# specific classes: games
+hc rule title=Dragonfall floating=on
+hc rule class=SDL_App focus=on floating=on
+hc rule class=steam_proton floating=on
+# specific classes: media editors, players, and viewers
hc rule class=Eom focus=on
hc rule class=Gimp-2.10 focus=on
hc rule class=Io.github.celluloid_player.Celluloid focus=on
hc rule class=lximage-qt focus=on
-hc rule class=Mate-terminal focus=on
-hc rule class=qterminal focus=on
-hc rule class=steam_proton floating=on
+hc rule class=mpv focus=off pseudotile=off
+hc rule class=obs floating=on
hc rule class=Sxiv focus=on
+# specific classes; system utilities
+hc rule class=Cpu-x floating=on
hc rule class=Vncviewer focus=on tag="$(nameforidx 2 $tagnames)" index=0
-hc rule class=xterm-256color focus=on
-hc rule class~'(.*[Rr]xvt.*|.*[Tt]erm|Konsole)' focus=on
-hc rule windowtype='_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DIALOG' focus=on
-# windows that should float.
-hc rule class='Cpu-x' floating=on
-hc rule class~'(.*[Ee][Xx][Ee])' floating=on
-hc rule title='Dragonfall' floating=on
-hc rule class=obs floating=on
-hc rule class=pinentry-qt5 floating=on focus=on
-hc rule class=SDL_App focus=on floating=on
-hc rule windowtype~'_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_(DIALOG|UTILITY|SPLASH)' floating=on
-# web browsers
+# specific classes: web browsers
hc rule class=Chromium-browser focus=off tag="$(nameforidx 4 $tagnames)"
hc rule class=Falkon focus=off tag="$(nameforidx 4 $tagnames)"
hc rule class=Firefox-esr focus=on

Return to the top of this page or return to the overview of this repo.