Who Is Bozo Texino? (2006, dir. Bill Daniel). Rewatch. One-hour
documentary about trainhopping and train graffiti art. Really incredible.
If you haven't seen it you should. Title link will take you to the film
uploaded on youtube (for as long as that upload survives). If you're in
the United States and want to order a copy of the movie I believe it can
be found here: http://billdaniel.squarespace.com/who-is-bozo-texino
(your mileage may vary).
Ghost in the Shell (1995, dir. Mamoru Oshii). I've seen this many times
(of course). Rewatched to relax, idly think, brainstorm. "Your effort
to remain what you are is what limits you."
The Third Man (1949, dir. Carol Reed). Rewatch. This time I noticed how
cleverly written this is (shouldn't be surprised, it's Graham Greene).
Movie looks fantastic of course, terrific performances (Cotton, Valli,
Welles, everybody really), soundtrack is... unhinged in a way that adds
a lot of humor to the film. Somehow feels like both tragedy and farce.
Really good movie.
Hard Boiled (1992, dir. John Woo). Rewatch w/a film club. Still great a
dozen times later. I completely forgot the cool and very recognizable
descending melody/sequence in the soundtrack (played on some kind of
bell-like instrument? not sure). Also forgot (and somehow always forget)
that nearly the last half of the film is set in that hospital.