
Memory / Games / MtGSkredRed

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A skred deck without skred. Fun to play though not very good. Modern-legal. 60 cards + 15 sideboard.

Notes 2023/07/01

New cards to consider: Yotia Declares War, Fable Of The Mirror-Breaker (of course), The Elder Dragon War, The Flame Of Keld, Unholy Heat, Cast Into The Fire, Breya's Apprentice, Gloin Dwarf Emmisary, Forgotten Cave, Reinforced Ronin, Mazemind Tome, Mishra's Research Desk, Spikefield Hazard

Current state of the deck 2022/02/20


Ct. Set R Typ Card Name
12x 1cc
04x ZEN C Ins Burst Lightning
04x M10 C Ins Lightning Bolt
04x ALA C Art Relic of Progenitus
08x 2cc
01x ICE C Ins Incinerate
03x RTR R Sor Mizzium Mortars
04x WTH C Art Mind Stone
08x 3cc
02x EMN R Crt Eternal Scourge
01x M15 R Crt Goblin Rabblemaster
01x DOM R Crt Squee, the Immortal
04x MRD C Sor Molten Rain
04x 4cc
03x ORI R Crt Pia and Kiran Nalaar
01x SOM M Pwk Koth of the Hammer
04x 5cc
04x AKH R Crt Glorybringer
24x Lands
04x HOU C Lnd Desert Of The Fervent
03x HOU U Lnd Ramunap Ruins
01x CHK R Lnd Shinka, the Bloodsoaked Keep
16x TMP C Lnd Mountain

Sideboard (not a real sideboard)

Ct. Set R Typ Card Name
01x MRD C Art Pyrite Spellbomb
01x ORI R Crt Pia and Kiran Nalaar
04x KLD R Sor Madcap Experiment
03x M11 M Crt Platinum Angel
01x SOM M Crt Platinum Emperion
01x HOU U Lnd Ramunap Ruins
04x TMP C Lnd Mountain

Notes from Wed Sep 19 16:37:04 PDT 2018

Goblin Rabblemaster. Alternates: Squee, The Immortal, Zo-Zu The Punisher, Tuktuk The Explorer

Stormbreath Dragon. Alternates: xThundermaw Hellkite, Sarkhan The Dragonspeaker Glorybringer, xThundermaw Hellkite, Tarox Bladewing, Urabrask The Hidden

Harsh Mentor, Ash Zealot, Satyr Firedancer, Rampaging Ferocidon. Ingot Chewer? Anger Of The Gods? Field Of Ruin? Sorcerous Spyglass? Collective Defiance?

Notes from Sat Sep 15 19:49:30 PDT 2018

Incinerate, Pyroclasm, Draconic Roar, Stormbreath Dragon, Thunderbreak Regent, Anger Of The Gods, Mizzium Mortars?, Collective Defiance, Abrade Increasing Vengeance, The Flame of Keld

12x missing

- 8x 1cc
4x ZEN C Ins Burst Lightning
4x M10 C Ins Lightning Bolt
- 8x 2cc
2x HOD U Ins Abrade                              2x missing
2x RTR R Sor Mizzium Mortars                     ?x missing
4x WTH C Art Mind Stone                          2x missing
- 4x 3cc
4x EMN R Crt Boros Reckoner
- 3x 4cc
3x ORI R Crt Pia and Kiran Nalaar
- 2x 5cc
2x THS M Crt Stormbreath Dragon
- 23x Lands
3x HOU U Lnd Ramunap Ruins
20x xx C Lnd Mountains