
Git Repos / fte_dogmode / qc / sv_progs.src

Last update to this file was on 2024-04-12 at 18:56.

Show sv_progs.src

#pragma target fte
#pragma progs_dat "../progs.dat"
#pragma autoproto

#define FTE
#define SSQC

// defs
defs_globals.qc // id1 globalvars_t
defs_fields.qc // id1 entvars_t
defs_builtins.qc // id1 / FTE builtin functions (& overrides)
defs_const.qc // id1 & pd3 common constants
defs_ctypes.qc // global class list

// utility & helper functions
math.qc // Code by Joshua Skelton + misc
newflags.qc // new spawnflags for all entities
cshift.qc // background color shift controller
keylock.qc // common code for entities unlockable with keys
custom_snd.qc // mapper-settable sound FX for monsters - iw
custom_mdls.qc // mapper-settable models for monsters - iw

// base classes
base_entities.qc // topmost entity classes (+ damage functions)
base_func.qc // base func_ classes
base_gore.qc // spawnblood etc; TODO CEV need to reformat
base_item.qc // ammo, armor, health, weapons, etc.
base_monster.qc // base monster classes (+ monster AI)
base_proj.qc // projectiles
base_trigger.qc // methods & fields for trigger entities

// info entities -- destinations, targets, etc.
info/camera.qc // was in cutscene.qc
info/intermission.qc // intermission point entity
info/null.qc // info_null; was in lights.qc
info/notnull.qc // info_notnull; was in lights.qc
info/path_corner.qc // id1 path_corner
info/rotate.qc // hipnotic info_rotate
info/spawnpoints.qc // info_player_etc and other spawnpoints
info/teleport_changedest.qc // Qmaster's info_teleport_changedest
info/teleport_destination.qc // teleporter endpoints

// projectiles - these were all previously in weapons.qc
projectiles/bullet.qc // id1 shotguns
projectiles/fireball.qc // id1 fireball (spawned by misc_fireball)
projectiles/flak.qc // pd3 flak
projectiles/grenade.qc // id1 grenades
projectiles/hknightspell.qc // id1 Death Knight magic attack
projectiles/laser.qc // id1 lasers (enforcer, hazards)
projectiles/lavaball.qc // pd3 lava ball missiles
projectiles/multigrenade.qc // pd3 & Hipnotic/Rogue multi/mini grenades
projectiles/rocket.qc // id1 rockets
projectiles/spike.qc // id1 nails
projectiles/voreball.qc // id1 vore homing missile
projectiles/wizardspell.qc // id1 Scrag green magic missile attack
projectiles/zombiechunk.qc // id1 zombie flesh chunk (traditionally thrown)

// item entities & weapon firing code
items/ammo.qc // ammo; was in items.qc
items/armor.qc // armor; was in items.qc
items/keys.qc // key pickups; contains items.qc and keydata.qc
items/health.qc // health; was in items.qc
items/powerups.qc // envirosuit, pent, ring, quad; was in items.qc
items/runes.qc // end-of-episode runes; was in items.qc
items/weapons.qc // weapon pickups; was in items.qc
items/backpacks.qc // backpack code; was in items.qc

// client & player code
cutscene.qc // Drake version -- dumptruck_ds
obituary.qc // ClientObituary
pmove.qc // QC player movement code -- CEV

// monster entities
monsters/playerclient.qc // player and client handling
monsters/boss.qc // id1 Chthon
monsters/boss2.qc // pd3 killable Chthon
monsters/dog.qc // id1 Doggo
monsters/demon.qc // id1 Fiend
monsters/knight.qc // id1 Knight
monsters/ogre.qc // id1 Ogre
monsters/shambler.qc // id1 Shambler
monsters/soldier.qc // id1 Grunt
monsters/wizard.qc // id1 Scragg / Wizard
monsters/zombie.qc // modified Ace_Dave's zombies from Rubicon2
monsters/enforcer.qc // id1 Enforcer (registered)
monsters/fish.qc // id1 Fish (registered)
monsters/hknight.qc // id1 Death Knight / Hell Knight (registered)
monsters/oldone.qc // id1 Shub (registered)
monsters/oldone2.qc // pd3 killable Shub
monsters/shalrath.qc // id1 Vore (registered)

// func entities
func/shadow.qc //
func/wall.qc // was misc.qc -- CEV
func/bob.qc // RennyC's stand alone version based on AD
func/bossgate.qc // was misc.qc -- CEV
func/breakable.qc // selections from Rubicon2 QC
func/brush.qc // currently disabled per comments in the file
func/button.qc // id1 buttons
func/counter.qc // Hipnotic counter; was in hipcount.qc
func/door.qc // was doors.qc -- CEV
func/door_secret.qc // was doors.qc -- CEV
func/elvtr_button.qc // Rogue elevator code (pmack)
func/episodegate.qc // was misc.qc -- CEV
func/explobox.qc // selections from Rubicon2 QC
func/fall.qc // Renny's original version
func/fall2.qc // Renny's improved version.
func/illusionary.qc // was misc.qc -- CEV
func/laser.qc // selections from Rubicon2 QC
// func/monster_spawner.qc // "bot" creation code for func_monster_spawner
func/new_plat.qc // Rogue MP newplats.qc
func/plat.qc // was plats.qc -- CEV
func/particlefield.qc // Hipnotic particlefield
func/rotate.qc // from Hipnotic thanks RennyC; was rotate.qc
func/togglevisiblewall.qc // was misc.qc -- CEV
func/togglewall.qc // was hippart.qc -- CEV
func/train.qc // was plats.qc -- CEV

// trigger & target entities
triggers/multiple.qc // need to add first, subclassed below -- CEV
// triggers/camera.qc // was in cutscene.qc
triggers/changelevel.qc //
triggers/changemusic.qc //
triggers/changetarget.qc //
triggers/counter.qc //
triggers/cvarset.qc // was in cutscene.qc
triggers/everything.qc // trigger_everything
triggers/filter.qc //
triggers/fog.qc // fog triggers
triggers/heal.qc // trigger_heal (was in dtmisc.qc) -- CEV
triggers/hurt.qc //
triggers/ladder.qc // ladders (from rubicon2) -- CEV
triggers/look.qc //
triggers/monsterface.qc //
triggers/monsterjump.qc //
triggers/onlyregistered.qc // id1
triggers/push.qc // wind/push brushes, jumppads -- CEV
// triggers/remove.qc // was in hip_trig.qc; currently disabled -- CEV
triggers/relay.qc //
triggers/secret.qc //
triggers/setcount.qc // target_setcount
triggers/setgravity.qc // was in hip_trig.qc
triggers/setskill.qc //
triggers/setstate.qc // target_setstate
triggers/shake.qc // triggerable shake from Zerstorer cutscenes
triggers/take_weapon.qc //
triggers/teleport.qc // was in triggers.qc -- CEV
triggers/textstory.qc // textstory (was in misc.qc) -- CEV
triggers/usekey.qc // was in hip_trig.qc -- CEV
triggers/void.qc // Necros's trigger_void from Lost Chapters

// hazards
hazards/ltrail.qc // from DOE lightnin.qc
hazards/shooter.qc // was in misc.qc

// miscellaneous entities
misc/model.qc // Code by Joshua Skelton
misc/air_bubbles.qc // was in misc.qc -- CEV
misc/ambient_sound.qc // misc ambient_ entities w/add. by dumptruck_ds
misc/explobox.qc // was in misc.qc -- CEV
misc/fireball.qc // was in misc.qc -- CEV
misc/infight.qc // was in misc.qc -- CEV
misc/light_candle.qc // was in misc.qc -- CEV
misc/lights.qc // c0burn's excellent switchable lights
misc/modeltrain.qc // was in plats.qc -- CEV
misc/noisemaker.qc // was in misc.qc -- CEV
misc/particles.qc // selections from Rubicon2 QC; was rubicon2.qc
misc/particlespray.qc // selections from Rubicon2 QC; was rubicon2.qc
misc/particle_stream.qc // from Zerstrorer mod -- dumptruck_ds
misc/play.qc // sound code from Hip & Rubicon Rumble + misc
misc/sparks.qc // selections from Rubicon2 QC; was rubicon2.qc
misc/target_autosave.qc // was in misc.qc -- CEV
misc/teleporttrain.qc // was in plats.qc -- CEV
misc/viewthing.qc // was in misc.qc -- CEV

// world
sv_entry.qc // server-side entrypoints
world.qc // worldspawn

// compatibility spawn functions & misc
compat_quake3.qc // entrypoints & support for Quake 3 entities

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Log sv_progs.src

Date Commit Message Author + -
2024-04-12 Moveable gibs, heads, some bugfixes cev +1 -2
2024-04-08 Registered monsters, projectile bugfixes cev   -2
2024-04-05 Player footsteps, shareware monsters, misc? cev +2 -3
2024-03-24 2nd pass refactor, rework QC class structure cev +216  

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