
Git Repos / fte_dogmode / qc / projectiles / grenade.qc

Last update to this file was on 2024-04-12 at 18:56.

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// Grenades

// constants
const float GRENADE_DIRECT_DAMAGE = 100;// direct damage; 100 is id1
const float GRENADE_SPLASH_DAMAGE = 120;// splash damage; 120 is id1
const float GRENADE_SPEED = 600; // id1 grenade speed is 600
const float GRENADE_HEALTH = 50; // explodes when dead

// found using FTE's sv_gameplayfix_setmodelrealbox
// const vector GRENADE_MINS = '-8.57384 -3.71142 -3.94197';
// const vector GRENADE_MAXS = '10.2459 3.68095 4.05187';
const vector GRENADE_MINS = '-8 -8 -8'; // a little more generous -- CEV
const vector GRENADE_MAXS = '8 8 8';

// forward declarations

// projectile_grenade
void(vector dir) projectile_grenade_destroy;
void() projectile_grenade_think;
entity(entity src, vector org, vector vel) spawn_projectile_grenade;
void(entity e) projectile_grenade_init;
strip void() projectile_grenade;


// class projectile_grenade: base_projectile_qcphys
// {
void(vector dir) projectile_grenade_destroy =
if (self.aflag & PROJECTILE_DESTROYED)

self.destroy = sub_nulldestroy;
self.think = sub_null;
self.touch = sub_null;
projectile_grenade_think ();

void() projectile_grenade_think =
if (self.takedamage)
self.takedamage = DAMAGE_NO;

t_radiusdamage2 (self, self.owner, self.splash_damage, other);

// BecomeExplosion
write_explosion (self.origin);
become_base_explosion (self);

// GrenadeTouch
// This has been modified to fix a bug in the original code, which
// is that an entity with a very large bounding box (e.g. the size
// of monster_boss or monster_oldone) would receive little or no
// damage from a grenade impact. (In the original game, this bug
// didn't really matter because the largest DAMAGE_AIM entities
// were Shambler-sized.)
// In the original code, this function simply called GrenadeExplode,
// which called T_RadiusDamage, which deals an amount of damage
// based on the distance to the center of the victim's bounding box.
// Therefore, the larger the victim's bounding box, the lower the
// amount of damage that a grenade impact could deal.
// This modified version of GrenadeTouch adds a hack so that an
// entity which is larger than Shambler-size is treated differently:
// damage will be dealt to it using the same logic as a rocket
// impact, i.e. T_Damage will be called to deal damage to the
// impacted entity, and then radius damage will be dealt to any
// other entities in the vicinity. Grenades and rockets have
// always dealt the same amount of radius damage, so making the
// impact damage the same seemed a reasonable solution.
// The reason this logic is only used for very large entities is
// because I didn't want to affect the amount of damage that
// grenades deal to any of the original monsters under any
// circumstances. -- iw
void() projectile_grenade_touch =
// standard touch check
if (base_projectile_check_touch())

if (other.takedamage == DAMAGE_AIM)
// see the explanation above -- iw
if (other.size_x > VEC_HULL2_SIZE_x ||
other.size_y > VEC_HULL2_SIZE_y ||
other.size_z > VEC_HULL2_SIZE_z)
// note that the logic for monster_shambler's
// partial immunity to explosions is not
// required because this is only for entities
// which are larger than monster_shambler -- iw
// dmg = this.direct_dmg + random() * 20;
t_damage2 (other, self, self.owner,
projectile_grenade_think ();
other = world;
projectile_grenade_think ();

if (self.count < time)
// bounce sound
sound (self, CHAN_WEAPON, "weapons/bounce.wav",

self.count = time + 0.02;
if (self.velocity == '0 0 0')
self.avelocity = '0 0 0';

entity(entity src, vector org, vector vel) spawn_projectile_grenade =
local entity e = spawn ();
e.owner = src;
e.origin = org;
e.velocity = vel;
// damage
e.direct_damage = GRENADE_DIRECT_DAMAGE;
e.splash_damage = GRENADE_SPLASH_DAMAGE;
// model, skin, & sounds
e.mdl_proj = src.mdl_proj;
e.skin_proj = src.skin_proj;
e.snd_hit = src.snd_hit;

projectile_grenade_init (e);
return e;

void(entity e) projectile_grenade_init =
base_projectile_qcphys_init (e);

e.classname = "grenade";
e.movetype = MOVETYPE_BOUNCE;
e.solid = SOLID_BBOX;
e.destroy = projectile_grenade_destroy;
e.touch = projectile_grenade_touch;
e.takedamage = DAMAGE_YES;
e.angles = vectoangles (e.velocity);

if (!e.avelocity)
e.avelocity = '300 300 300';

if (!e.proj_basespeed)
e.proj_basespeed = GRENADE_SPEED;

// default damage for player grenades -- CEV
if (!e.direct_damage)
e.direct_damage = GRENADE_DIRECT_DAMAGE;

if (!e.splash_damage)
e.splash_damage = GRENADE_SPLASH_DAMAGE;

if (e.mdl_proj && e.mdl_proj != "")
setmodel (e, e.mdl_proj);
setmodel (e, "progs/grenade.mdl");

if (e.skin_proj) = e.skin_proj;
else = 0;

setorigin (e, e.origin);

// schedule next think (explosion time)
e.think = projectile_grenade_think;
e.nextthink = time + 2.5;

strip void() projectile_grenade =
projectile_grenade_init (self);
// };

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