Git Repos / fte_dogmode / qc / projectiles / flak.qc
Last update to this file was on 2024-06-26 at 03:47.
Show flak.qc
// Flak
// BDW 31/08/00 - evil, nasty red-hot nail cluster-bomb attack...
// from Marcher -- dumptruck_ds
// constants
const float FLAK_DIRECT_DAMAGE = 8; // default direct damage; was 4
// flak doesn't splash
const float FLAK_SPEED = 800; // speed of BDW's OgreFireFlak
const vector FLAK_MINS = '0 0 0'; // let's not change this -- CEV
const vector FLAK_MAXS = '0 0 0'; //
const float MONSTER_FLAK_OGRE = 4; // TODO CEV remove
// fields
// bdw - saves up flak hits to do a single damage next frame -
// currently only used for flak ogre
.float spikecount;
// forward declarations
// projectile_flak
void() projectile_flak_think_damage;
void() projectile_flak_touch;
entity(entity src, vector org, vector vel) spawn_projectile_flak;
void(entity e) projectile_flak_init;
strip void() projectile_flak;
// class projectile_flak: base_projectile
// {
// FlakDoDamage
void() projectile_flak_think_damage =
// get correct gib direction
self.origin = self.oldenemy.origin + self.oldorigin;
t_damage2 (self.oldenemy, self, self.owner,
self.oldenemy.spikecount = 0;
remove (self);
// FlakTouch
void() projectile_flak_touch =
if (base_projectile_check_touch())
// hit something that bleeds
if (other.takedamage)
spawn_touchblood (self.direct_damage);
if (other.spikecount)
// not the first one
other.spikecount += self.direct_damage;
remove (self);
sound (self, CHAN_VOICE, "fish/bite.wav",
// the first one...
other.spikecount = self.direct_damage;
// stick around for a little while...
self.velocity = '0 0 0';
self.solid = SOLID_NOT;
self.touch = sub_null;
self.model = __NULL__;
// displacement from enemy origin (its gonna
// move next frame)
self.oldorigin = self.origin - other.origin;
self.oldenemy = other;
self.think = projectile_flak_think_damage;
self.nextthink = time + 0.05;
WriteCoord (MSG_BROADCAST, self.origin_x);
WriteCoord (MSG_BROADCAST, self.origin_y);
WriteCoord (MSG_BROADCAST, self.origin_z);
// bit of a hack
if (self.spawnflags & MONSTER_FLAK_OGRE)
remove (self);
// gets weaker with each bounce.
// also stops them getting stuck in world.
self.direct_damage = self.direct_damage - 5;
if (self.direct_damage <= 0)
remove (self);
// reduce crazy ricochets
self.velocity = self.velocity * 0.5;
self.movetype = MOVETYPE_BOUNCE;
entity(entity src, vector org, vector vel) spawn_projectile_flak =
local entity e = spawn();
e.owner = src;
e.enemy = src.enemy;
e.origin = org;
e.velocity = vel;
// parameters for homing
e.homing = src.homing;
e.proj_speed_mod = src.proj_speed_mod;
e.waitmin = src.waitmin;
// model, skin, & sounds
e.mdl_proj = src.mdl_proj;
e.skin_proj = src.skin_proj;
e.snd_hit = src.snd_hit;
// hack to tell FlakTouch this was spawned by an ogre
if (src.classtype == CT_MONSTER_OGRE)
e.spawnflags |= MONSTER_FLAK_OGRE;
projectile_flak_init (e);
return e;
void(entity e) projectile_flak_init =
base_projectile_init (e);
e.classname = "projectile_flak";
e.classtype = CT_PROJECTILE_FLAK;
// flymissile is a bit too all-seeing for this gun...
e.movetype = MOVETYPE_FLY;
e.solid = SOLID_BBOX;
e.touch = projectile_flak_touch;
e.flags = FL_NOSELECT;
e.angles = vectoangles (e.velocity);
if (!e.proj_basespeed)
e.proj_basespeed = FLAK_SPEED;
if (!e.direct_damage)
e.direct_damage = FLAK_DIRECT_DAMAGE;
// dumptruck_ds
if (e.mdl_proj && e.mdl_proj != "")
setmodel (e, e.mdl_proj);
setmodel (e, "progs/spike.mdl");
// if (e.skin_proj)
// = e.skin_proj;
// else = 0;
// dumptruck_ds - end
if (e.homing > 0)
base_projectile_setup_homing (e,
e.proj_basespeed * e.proj_speed_mod);
e.think = sub_remove;
e.nextthink = time + 6;
setsize (e, FLAK_MINS, FLAK_MAXS);
setorigin (e, e.origin);
strip void() projectile_flak =
projectile_flak_init (self);
// };
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Log flak.qc
Date | Commit Message | Author | + | - |
2024-06-26 | pmove fixes, GL now a faux tribolt, wall climbing | cev | +4 | -4 |
2024-06-15 | Major update, committing as-is, will have bugs | cev | +5 | -1 |
2024-04-05 | Player footsteps, shareware monsters, misc? | cev | +4 | |
2024-03-24 | 2nd pass refactor, rework QC class structure | cev | +103 | -57 |
2024-02-27 | Bullet projectile, pmove changes, misc | cev | -3 | |
2024-02-18 | Client/player, projectiles, entrypoints refactor | cev | +149 |
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