
Git Repos / fte_dogmode / qc / projectiles / bullet.qc

Last update to this file was on 2024-04-05 at 14:18.

Show bullet.qc

// Bullets - shotguns & enemy soldiers

// constants

const float BULLET_DIRECT_DAMAGE = 5; // id1 is 4
// bullets don't splash
const float BULLET_SPEED = 2500.0f; // AD is 2000 units per for player

const vector BULLET_MINS = '0 0 0'; // let's not change this -- CEV
const vector BULLET_MAXS = '0 0 0'; //

// fields

.float bulletcount; // based on BDW's Flak Ogre code -- CEV

// forward declarations

// projectile_bullet
void() projectile_bullet_think_damage;
void() projectile_bullet_touch;
entity(entity src, vector org, vector vel) spawn_projectile_bullet;
void(entity e) projectile_bullet_init;
strip void() projectile_bullet;


// class projectile_bullet: base_projectile
// {
void() projectile_bullet_think_damage =
// get correct gib direction
self.origin = self.oldenemy.origin + self.oldorigin;
t_damage2 (self.oldenemy, self, self.owner,
self.oldenemy.bulletcount = 0;
remove (self);

void() projectile_bullet_touch =
// hit something that bleeds
if (other.takedamage)
spawn_touchblood (self.direct_damage);

if (other.bulletcount)
// not the first one
other.bulletcount += self.direct_damage;
remove (self);

// the first one...
other.bulletcount = self.direct_damage;

// stick around for a little while...
self.velocity = '0 0 0';
self.solid = SOLID_NOT;
self.touch = sub_null;
self.model = __NULL__;
// displacement from enemy origin (its gonna
// move next frame)
self.oldorigin = self.origin - other.origin;
self.oldenemy = other;
self.think = projectile_bullet_think_damage;
self.nextthink = time + 0.05;

WriteCoord (MSG_BROADCAST, self.origin_x);
WriteCoord (MSG_BROADCAST, self.origin_y);
WriteCoord (MSG_BROADCAST, self.origin_z);

remove (self);

entity(entity src, vector org, vector vel) spawn_projectile_bullet =
local entity e = spawn();
e.owner = src;
e.origin = org;
e.velocity = vel;
projectile_bullet_init (e);
return e;

void(entity e) projectile_bullet_init =
base_projectile_init (e);

e.classname = "projectile_bullet";
e.movetype = MOVETYPE_FLY;
e.solid = SOLID_BBOX;
e.touch = projectile_bullet_touch;
e.angles = vectoangles (e.velocity);

if (!e.avelocity)
// avelocity from AD is randomized; fixed for now
e.avelocity = '100 200 0';

if (!e.proj_basespeed)
e.proj_basespeed = BULLET_SPEED;

if (!e.direct_damage)
e.direct_damage = BULLET_DIRECT_DAMAGE;

// dumptruck_ds
if (e.mdl_proj && e.mdl_proj != "")
setmodel (e, e.mdl_proj);
// AD projectile diamond model
setmodel (e, "progs/ad/proj_diam2.mdl");

// full range of sizes -- Sock (comment from AD)
e.frame = random () * 15;

// Bright colours -- Sock (comment from AD) = 16 + random () * 7;

if (e.skin_proj) = e.skin_proj;

setorigin (e, e.origin);
e.think = sub_remove;
e.nextthink = time + 6;

strip void() projectile_bullet =
projectile_bullet_init (self);
// };

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Log bullet.qc

Date Commit Message Author + -
2024-04-05 Player footsteps, shareware monsters, misc? cev +3 -2
2024-03-24 2nd pass refactor, rework QC class structure cev +85 -52
2024-02-27 Bullet projectile, pmove changes, misc cev +103 -84
2024-02-18 Client/player, projectiles, entrypoints refactor cev +6 -46
2024-01-31 Class based monster refactor & start projectiles cev +142  

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