
Git Repos / fte_dogmode / qc / pmove.qc

Last update to this file was on 2024-04-12 at 18:56.

Show pmove.qc


// TODO CEV: crouching
// TODO CEV: crouch sliding (useful for sliding up stairs)
// TODO CEV: crouch-wall-thing (wallrunning? wall sliding?)
// TODO CEV: improved player unstick function
// TODO CEV: varied sounds (different jump sounds)

// globals

// the following are all managed by FTEQW -- CEV
float input_buttons; // buttons pressed by the client
// float input_impulse;
float input_timelength; // frame / tic time
vector input_angles; // +x = DOWN
vector input_movevalues; // movement requested by client

// fields

// note: timers are expensive, require synch between server and client -- CEV
// .entity groundentity; // already defined in entvars_t
.vector groundnormal;
.float pmove_flags; // custom movement flags -- CEV
.float doublejump_timer; // time in which a player can doublejump
.void() customphysics;

// pmove constants (could be reworked as cvars, would add overhead) -- CEV

// acceleration & friction
const float PM_AIRACCEL = 6.0f; // 10 in Q1; now 7.5 or 8.0
const float PM_AIRACCELQ3 = 0.8f; // 1.0 in Q3 ?; now 0.75 or 0.8
const float PM_AIRACCELFWD = 0.8f; // 1 feels close to Q3 / CPM
const float PM_AIRACCELBACK = 5.0f; // Air stop speed in Q3? 5.0f?
const float PM_AIRACCELBASE = 32.0f; // PM_MAXSPEED / 10.0
const float PM_AIRACCELTURN = 250.0f; // affects +fwd turning radius; 150.0f
const float PM_BOOSTACCEL = 10.0f; // ground boost accel; 10; 10 + 1.25
const float PM_BOOSTFRICTION = 1.0f; // ground boost friction; 4 is Q1
const float PM_GROUNDACCEL = 10.0f; // 10 is Q1, 15 is CPM
const float PM_GROUNDFRICTION = 6.0f; // 4 for Q1, 6 for Q3, 8 for (old?) CPM
const vector PM_GROUNDDIST_V = '0 0 1'; // distance for ground check
const float PM_WATERACCEL = 10.0f; // water acceleration
const float PM_WATERFRICTION = 4.0f; // friction in water

// horizontal speeds (mostly)
const float PM_BOOSTWISHSPEED = 400.0f; // 320, 400
const float PM_CROUCHSPEED = 120.0f; // ???
const float PM_MAXSPEED = 320.0f; // 320 always
const float PM_MAXAIRSPEED = 30.0f; // 30 for Q1 air control
const float PM_RUNSPEED = 320.0f; // run speed override; 400.0 default
const float PM_STOPSPEED = 100.0f;
const float PM_TELEEXITSPEED = 400.0f; // exit teleporters at this speed
const float PM_WALKSPEED = 200.0f; // walk speed override
const float PM_WATERMAXSPEED = 224.0f; // 320 * 0.7
const float PM_WATERSINKSPEED = 60.0f;

// vertical speeds (mostly)
const float PM_GRAVITY = 800.0f; // superseded by world_gravity global
const float PM_JUMPSPEED = 270.0f; // standard jump Z velocity; 90 * 3
const float PM_DOUBLEJUMPSPEED = 270.0f;// 270 * 1.5 in CPM
const float PM_SHORTJUMPSPEED = 180.0f; // 180 = 90 * 2
const float PM_SHORTJUMPTHRESH = 340.0f;// shortjump when horiz speed under this
const float PM_STAIRJUMPSPEED = 360.0f; // 360 = 90 * 4
const float PM_TELEJUMPSPEED = 360.0f; // same as STAIRJUMPSPEED
const float PM_WALLJUMPFORCE = 90.0f; // push away from wall
const float PM_WALLJUMPGROUND = 28.0f; // distance from ground to allow WJ (36)
const float PM_WALLJUMPLIMIT = -225.f; // no walljump if Z vel below this
const float PM_WALLJUMPSPEED = 270.0f; // same as JUMPSPEED
const float PM_WALLJUMPDOUBLE = 360.0f; // same as STAIRJUMPSPEED

// timing
const float PM_DOUBLEJUMP_WINDOW = 0.4f;// 2 jumps in this time is a double
const float PM_TELEJUMP_WINDOW = 0.4f; // duration to perform a telejump
const float PM_WALLJUMP_WINDOW = 0.3f; // dj timer < this to walljump
const float PM_WALLCLIP_WINDOW = 0.25f; //

// misc
const float PM_MAX_CLIP_PLANES = 5;
const float PM_OVERCLIP = 1.0f; // Quake3's OVERCLIP is 1.001f
const float PM_ONESIDEDCLIP = -0.1f; // -0.001, -0.01, -0.1
const float PM_STEPHEIGHT = 18.0f; // 18 for Q1, 22 for later games?
const vector PM_TELEDROP = '0 0 -64'; // drop teleporter exit to floor if
// floor is within this distance
// water level
const float WATERLEVEL_NONE = 0;
const float WATERLEVEL_FEET = 1;
const float WATERLEVEL_WAIST = 2;
const float WATERLEVEL_EYES = 3;

// Player Sizes
const vector PM_STAND_MIN = VEC_HULL_MIN;
const vector PM_STAND_MAX = VEC_HULL_MAX;
const vector PM_CROUCH_MIN = '-16 -16 -18';
const vector PM_CROUCH_MAX = '16 16 18';

// pmove_flags is used by the engine; FTE defines two constants:
// PMF_JUMP_HELD = 1, PMF_LADDER = 2. So those two constants should
// to be first (and in that order) in our enum below. -- CEV
PMF_JUMP_HELD, // player is holding the jump key
PMF_ONLADDER, // entity is on a ladder
PMF_ONGROUND, // entity is on ground
PMF_STARTGROUND, // entity started the move on ground
PMF_CROUCH_HELD, // player is holding the crouch key
PMF_CROUCHED, // entity is crouching
PMF_DOUBLEJUMPED, // entity has doublejumped
PMF_WALLJUMPED, // entity has walljumped
PMF_WATERJUMPED, // entity has waterjumped
PMF_PRE_MOVE, // hint that origin hasn't updated yet
PMF_SLIDE_GRAVITY, // slidemove hint to apply gravity
PMF_SLIDE_SKIM, // slidemove hint to skim/wallclip
PMF_SLIDE_STEP, // slidemove hint to traverse steps
PMF_SLIDE_STICKY, // slidemove hint to stick to ground
PMF_AIRSTEPPED // we've airstepped

// forward declarations

float(float maxspeed, float a, float c, float t) PM_MaxCircleGroundSpeed;

static void(entity ent) PM_DoTouch;
float() PM_Nudge;
void() PM_DanceMove;
void(float dogravity, float sticky, float dostep, float doskim) PM_DanceMoveQ3;
void() PM_CategorizePosition;
void(float friction, float move_time) PM_Friction;
void(vector wishdir, float wishspeed, float accel, float move_time)
void(vector wishvel, float wishspeed, float accel, float move_time)
void(vector wishdir, float wishspeed, float move_time) PM_AirControl;
void(vector wishdir) PM_Jump;
void() PM_WallJump;
void(vector wishvel, float move_time) PM_WalkAccelerate;
void(vector wishvel, float move_time) PM_SwimAccelerate;
void(vector wishvel, float scale, float move_time) PM_NoClipAccelerate;
void(float move_time) PM_ManageTimers;
void(entity target) PM_Move;


// PM_MaxCircleGroundSpeed
// circle jump calculations (in python, probably wrong on my [CEV's] part):
// 320 * math.sqrt((A * (2 - A * (1 / T))) / (c * (2 - c * (1 / T))))
// where A = accel (10.0), c = friction (4.0), T = framerate (q3 125, q1 77?)
// this equation is from the article "Circle-Jump Theory" by injx, found here:
// Max ground speed for accel 10, friction 6, T 125, w 320 (vq3) is ~409
// Max ground speed for accel 15, friction 6, T 125, w 320 (CPM) is ~497
// accel 10.000, friction 6, T 125, wishspeed 380 = 486
// accel 10.000, friction 6, T 125, wishspeed 400 = 512
float(float maxspeed, float a, float f, float t) PM_MaxCircleGroundSpeed =
return maxspeed * sqrt ((a * (2.0 - a * (1.0 / t))) /
(f * (2.0 - f * (1.0 / t))));

// PM_DoTouch
static void(entity ent) PM_DoTouch =
if (ent && ent.touch != __NULL__)
local entity stemp = self;
local entity otemp = other;

other = self;
self = ent;
self.touch ();
self = stemp;
other = otemp;

// PM_Nudge
// from the GPL2 CSQCTest code that comes with FTEQW; is called often
// to nudge player origin due to float/network precision errors -- CEV
float() PM_Nudge =
dprint ("PM_Nudge: starting function...\n");

vector test, org = self.origin;

// check current position.
tracebox (org, self.mins, self.maxs, org, FALSE, self);
if (!trace_startsolid)
return TRUE;

// truncate to network accuracy
org_x = floor (org_x * 8 + (1.0 / 16)) * 0.125;
org_y = floor (org_y * 8 + (1.0 / 16)) * 0.125;
org_z = floor (org_z * 8 + (1.0 / 16)) * 0.125;

test = org;

static float offsets[] = {0, -1./8, 1./8, -2./8, 2./8};
for (float z = 0; z < offsets.length; z++)
test.z = org.z + offsets[z];
for (float y = 0; y < offsets.length; y++)
test.y = org.y + offsets[y];
for (float x = 0; x < offsets.length; x++)
test.x = org.x + offsets[x];
tracebox (test, self.mins, self.maxs, test,
FALSE, self);
if (!trace_startsolid)
// okay, that'll do
self.origin = test;
return TRUE;
self.origin = org;
return FALSE;

// PM_DanceMove
// Updates origin according to velocity, moves the player through the world.
// Same as Q3 SlideMove and Q1 FlyMove. This version handles steps, applies
// gravity, and restores velocity based on a timer check (those latter two
// are features of Q3's SlideMove). I've inlined ClipVelocity to hopefully
// improve performance.
// Based on code from the Nuclide SDK (presumably by Eukara), specifically
// the function PMoveCustom_Move found in the file pmove_custom.qc. That
// in turn appears to be based on a similar function in the CSQCTest code
// that comes with FTEQW. -- CEV
void() PM_DanceMove =
vector end, prev_plane, prev_plane2, start_vel;
float f, grav, i, stepsize, time_left;
entity touched_ent;

// silence some FTEQCC warnings -- CEV
end = prev_plane = prev_plane2 = '0 0 0';
f = grav = i = stepsize = 0;
time_left = input_timelength;

if (self.pmove_flags & PMF_SLIDE_GRAVITY)
if (self.gravity)
grav = self.gravity;
grav = 1.0;
// world_gravity is set in world () (on the server)
// or PlayerUpdate (client) -- CEV
grav *= world_gravity * time_left;
// Half now, half later. Apparently affects framerate
// dependence. -- CEV
self.velocity_z -= grav * 0.5;

start_vel = self.velocity;

// Borrowing FTEQW's pm_airstep cvar here. If false, don't step up
// while in the air (changes stairs) -- CEV
if (!(world_airstep) && !(self.pmove_flags & PMF_ONGROUND))
self.pmove_flags &= ~PMF_SLIDE_STEP;

// no stepping. useful for testing -- CEV
if (world_nostep)
self.pmove_flags &= ~PMF_SLIDE_STEP;

// we need to bounce off surfaces (in order to slide along them),
// so we need at 2 attempts -- comment from the Nuclide SDK
// I've changed this to a larger number of attempts (from 3 to 5)
// to accommodate more complex plane interactions -- CEV
for (i = 5; time_left > 0 && i; i--)
// set our destination & test the move -- CEV
end = self.origin + (self.velocity * time_left);
tracebox (self.origin, self.mins, self.maxs, end, FALSE, self);

if (trace_allsolid || trace_startsolid)
if (trace_ent.classgroup & CG_PROJECTILE)
// self is in a projectile; call its touch
// function (maybe it'll explode)
#ifdef SSQC
dprint (sprintf("PM_DanceMove: in a solid %s\n",
PM_DoTouch (trace_ent);

// self is in something else; attempt to nudge out
if (PM_Nudge())

// nah, we're stuck. don't build up falling damage
// but allow sideways acceleration -- CEV
#if defined(CSQC)
dprint ("PM_DanceMove: client player entity stuck ");
#elif defined(SSQC)
dprint ("PM_DanceMove: server player entity stuck ");
dprint (sprintf("in a %s!\n", trace_ent.classname));
self.velocity_z = 0;

// accept the move -- CEV
self.origin = trace_endpos;

if (trace_fraction >= 1.0f)
// no obstructions, made the whole move -- CEV

// zero out stepsize, then store the plane normal and touched
// ent for later, then reduce time_left -- CEV
stepsize = 0;
touched_ent = trace_ent;
time_left -= time_left * trace_fraction;

// integrated StepSlideMove from Nuclide / CSQCTest
// only attempt to step if there's time left, stepping was
// requested, and we hit a vertical plane -- CEV
if (self.pmove_flags & PMF_SLIDE_STEP && time_left > 0 &&
trace_plane_normal_z == 0)
// store the entity and plane normal from our
// first move attempt, setup a vec to track
// velocity changes -- CEV
local entity first_ent = trace_ent;
local vector first_plane = trace_plane_normal;
local vector new_vel = self.velocity;
f = time_left;

// first: move up
trace_endpos_z += PM_STEPHEIGHT;
tracebox (self.origin, self.mins, self.maxs,
trace_endpos, FALSE, self);

if (trace_fraction < 1.0f)
// do a simple clipvel to the roof plane
// right now -- CEV
f -= f * trace_fraction;
new_vel -= trace_plane_normal *
(new_vel * trace_plane_normal);

if (trace_ent && trace_ent.touch)
touched_ent = trace_ent;

// second: move forward
stepsize = trace_endpos_z - self.origin_z;
end = trace_endpos + (new_vel * f);
end_z = trace_endpos_z;
tracebox (trace_endpos, self.mins, self.maxs, end,
FALSE, self);

#ifdef SSQC
if (trace_allsolid || trace_startsolid)
// caution
dprint ("PM_DanceMove: fwd move solid\n");

if (trace_fraction >= 1.0f)
// forward move didn't hit anything
// third: move down
end = trace_endpos;
end_z -= stepsize;
// + (self.pmove_flags &
// PMF_SLIDE_STICKY ? 16 : 1);
tracebox (trace_endpos, self.mins, self.maxs,
end, FALSE, self);

if (trace_allsolid || trace_startsolid)
// reject the move
#ifdef SSQC
dprint ("PM_DanceMove: down solid\n");
goto PM_DanceMove_RejectStep;
else if (trace_fraction < 1.0f &&
trace_plane_normal_z > 0.7f)
// Update time_left, stepsize, origin,
// velocity & touched_ent (if need);
// the later inline ClipVel will
// handle the plane -- CEV
time_left = f - (f * trace_fraction);
stepsize = trace_endpos_z -
self.origin = trace_endpos;

if (new_vel != self.velocity)
self.velocity = new_vel;

if (trace_ent && trace_ent.touch)
touched_ent = trace_ent;

// don't attempt to step again
// self.pmove_flags &= ~PMF_SLIDE_STEP;
// reject the move
goto PM_DanceMove_RejectStep;
// forward move hit something
if (trace_plane_normal != first_plane &&
trace_plane_normal_z == 0)
// hit something different than the
// first move; note that we're not
// restoring the first plane normal
if (trace_ent && trace_ent.touch)
touched_ent = trace_ent;
time_left -= time_left * trace_fraction;
stepsize = 0;
// revert to move before step attempt
touched_ent = trace_ent = first_ent;
trace_plane_normal = first_plane;
stepsize = 0;

// do the ground check before we might stop the loop -- CEV
if (trace_plane_normal_z > 0.7)
if (touched_ent.solid == SOLID_BSP)
self.groundentity = touched_ent;
self.groundnormal = trace_plane_normal;
self.flags |= FL_ONGROUND;
self.pmove_flags |= PMF_ONGROUND;
#ifdef SSQC
// before clipping velocity - CEV
self.jump_flag = self.velocity_z;
self.groundentity = __NULL__;
self.groundnormal = __NULL__;
self.flags &= ~FL_ONGROUND;
self.pmove_flags &= ~PMF_ONGROUND;

// clip velocity to the plane -- CEV
f = self.velocity * trace_plane_normal;

if (f < 0)
if (trace_plane_normal_z > 0.7)
if (self.pmove_flags & PMF_SLIDE_STICKY)

self.velocity -= trace_plane_normal * f;

// if velocity interacts with prev_plane then clip to it.
// I'm duplicating a little code here (PM_ClipVelocity),
// hopefully the audience will forgive me. -- CEV
if (prev_plane && prev_plane != trace_plane_normal &&
self.velocity * prev_plane < 0)
f = self.velocity * prev_plane;

if (f < 0)
if (prev_plane_z > 0.7)
if (self.pmove_flags & PMF_SLIDE_STICKY)

self.velocity -= prev_plane * f;

// Slide along the crease of previous plane and
// current plane if the two still interact -- CEV
if (self.velocity * trace_plane_normal < 0)
end = crossproduct (prev_plane,
end = normalize (end);
self.velocity = end * (end * self.velocity);

// An optimization from Quake 3 -- CEV
if (prev_plane2 && prev_plane2 != trace_plane_normal &&
prev_plane2 != prev_plane &&
self.velocity * prev_plane2 < 0)
// Stop if we interact with three planes -- CEV
#ifdef SSQC
dprint ("PM_DanceMove: triple plane stop\n");
self.velocity = '0 0 0';
PM_DoTouch (touched_ent);


// an optimization from Quake 1; is this necessary? -- CEV
if (self.velocity * start_vel <= 0)
// we've turned against original velocity so zero
// out vel, touch any ents, and stop the loop
self.velocity = '0 0 0';
PM_DoTouch (touched_ent);

// store current plane and prev_plane for later -- CEV
prev_plane2 = prev_plane;
prev_plane = trace_plane_normal;

// touch the saved entity last in case doing so overwrites
// trace_plane_normal -- CEV
PM_DoTouch (touched_ent);

// wallclip / wall skim timer check
// if doskim is true and velocity is non-zero and we lost speed
// during the move then restore velocity -- CEV
if ((self.pmove_flags & PMF_SLIDE_SKIM) && self.velocity)
local float speedloss = vlen([start_vel_x, start_vel_y, 0]) -
vlen([self.velocity_x, self.velocity_y, 0]);

if (speedloss > 0)
if (self.pmove_flags & PMF_DOUBLEJUMPED)
#ifdef SSQC
dprint (sprintf("PM_DanceMove: "
"double skim Z vel %g, loss %g\n",
self.velocity_z, speedloss));

if (speedloss <= PM_RUNSPEED)
self.velocity = start_vel;
self.velocity_z = min (start_vel_z,
else if (self.pmove_flags & PMF_SLIDE_STICKY)
self.velocity = [start_vel_x, start_vel_y,
min (start_vel_z, self.velocity_z)];
self.velocity = start_vel;

// final gravity check here -- CEV
if (self.pmove_flags & PMF_SLIDE_GRAVITY)
self.velocity_z -= grav * 0.5;

// if stepsize is nonzero and we changed from inair to onground then
// we've airstepped. flag for later (see player_footsteps) -- CEV
#ifdef SSQC
if (stepsize > 0 && !(self.pmove_flags & PMF_STARTGROUND) &&
self.pmove_flags & PMF_ONGROUND)
// more debugging -- CEV
// dprint (sprintf("PM_DanceMove: airstep: %g\n", stepsize));
self.step_time = time;
self.pmove_flags |= PMF_AIRSTEPPED;

// clear slide hint flags -- CEV
self.pmove_flags = self.pmove_flags - (self.pmove_flags &

// a final call to setorigin to update links -- CEV
setorigin (self, self.origin);

// PM_DanceMoveQ3
// An alternate SlideMove based more closely on Q3's SlideMove. This
// solves all interactions correctly by using an array of planes and a
// lot of loops. Unfortunately it's slow and greatly affects the way
// movement feels - heavier, slower - and sometimes seems to affect
// framerate. Included here (in a working form) so I can experiment
// with it. -- CEV
void(float dogravity, float sticky, float dostep, float doskim) PM_DanceMoveQ3 =
vector plane[PM_MAX_CLIP_PLANES], end, start_v, new_v;
float backoff, grav, h, i, j, k, np, stepsize, time_left;
entity touched_ent;

// silence some FTEQCC warnings -- CEV
backoff = grav = h = i = j = k = np = stepsize = time_left = 0;

if (dogravity)
if (self.gravity)
grav = self.gravity;
grav = 1.0;
// world_gravity is set in world () (on the server)
// or PlayerUpdate (client) -- CEV
grav = grav * world_gravity * input_timelength;
// Half now, half later. Apparently affects framerate
// dependence. -- CEV
self.velocity_z -= grav * 0.5;

new_v = start_v = self.velocity;

if (!(world_airstep) && !(self.pmove_flags & PMF_ONGROUND))
dostep = FALSE;

if (world_nostep)
dostep = FALSE;

for (h = 5, time_left = input_timelength; time_left > 0 && h; h--)
// set our destination & test the move -- CEV
end = self.origin + (self.velocity * time_left);
tracebox (self.origin, self.mins, self.maxs, end, FALSE, self);

if (trace_allsolid || trace_startsolid)
// entity is trapped in a solid; attempt to nudge out
if (PM_Nudge())

// nah, we're stuck. don't build up falling damage
// but allow sideways acceleration -- CEV
self.velocity_z = 0;

// accept the move -- CEV
self.origin = trace_endpos;

if (trace_fraction >= 1.0f)
// no obstructions, made the whole move -- CEV

dprint (sprintf("PM_DanceMoveQ3: no more plane storage,"
" numbumps: %g\n", fabs(h - 5)));
self.velocity = '0 0 0';

// duplicate plane check from Quake3 -- CEV
for (i = 0; i < np; i++)
if (trace_plane_normal * plane[i] > 0.99)
#ifdef SSQC
dprint ("PM_DanceMoveQ3: non-axial plane\n");
self.velocity += trace_plane_normal;

if (i < np)

// zero out stepsize, then store the plane normal and touched
// ent for later, then reduce time_left -- CEV
stepsize = 0;
touched_ent = trace_ent;
plane[np] = trace_plane_normal;
time_left -= time_left * trace_fraction;

// integrated StepSlideMove from Nuclide / CSQCTest -- CEV
if (dostep && time_left && trace_plane_normal_z == 0)
i = time_left;
new_v = self.velocity;

// first: move up
trace_endpos_z += PM_STEPHEIGHT;
tracebox (self.origin, self.mins, self.maxs,
trace_endpos, FALSE, self);

if (trace_fraction < 1.0f)
// do a simple clipvel to the
// roof plane right now -- CEV
i -= i * trace_fraction;
new_v -= trace_plane_normal *
(new_v * trace_plane_normal);

// second: move forward
stepsize = trace_endpos_z - self.origin_z;
end = trace_endpos + (new_v * i);
end_z = trace_endpos_z;
tracebox (trace_endpos, self.mins, self.maxs, end,
FALSE, self);

// save trace_ent if it has a touch function
if (trace_ent && trace_ent.touch != __NULL__)
touched_ent = trace_ent;

if (trace_allsolid || trace_startsolid)
// reject the move immediately -- CEV
#ifdef SSQC
dprint ("PM_DanceMoveQ3: fwd move solid\n");
stepsize = 0;
self.velocity = '0 0 0';
else if (trace_fraction >= 1.0f)
// forward move didn't hit anything
// third: move down
end = trace_endpos;
end_z -= stepsize + 1;
tracebox (trace_endpos, self.mins, self.maxs,
end, FALSE, self);

if (trace_allsolid || trace_startsolid)
// again reject the move -- CEV
#ifdef SSQC
dprint ("PM_DanceMoveQ3: down move "
stepsize = 0;
self.velocity = '0 0 0';
else if (trace_fraction < 1.0f &&
trace_plane_normal_z > 0.7f)
// we'll let our proper ClipVel loop
// below take care of this -- CEV
plane[np - 1] = trace_plane_normal;
time_left = i - (i * trace_fraction);
stepsize = trace_endpos_z -
self.origin = trace_endpos;

if (new_v != self.velocity)
// hit a roof on the way
self.velocity = new_v;

touched_ent = trace_ent;

// don't attempt to step again
dostep = FALSE;
// down move didn't hit and/or it hit
// a plane too steep to be ground.
// reset & continue on -- CEV
trace_plane_normal = plane[np - 1];
stepsize = 0;
// forward move hit something. reset
// and move on. -- CEV
trace_plane_normal = plane[np - 1];
stepsize = 0;

// need to do the ground check & touch the saved ent before
// we might stop the loop early -- CEV
if (trace_plane_normal_z > 0.7)
if (touched_ent.solid == SOLID_BSP)
self.groundentity = touched_ent;
self.groundnormal = trace_plane_normal;
self.flags |= FL_ONGROUND;
self.pmove_flags |= PMF_ONGROUND;
self.groundentity = __NULL__;
self.groundnormal = __NULL__;
self.flags &= ~FL_ONGROUND;
self.pmove_flags &= ~PMF_ONGROUND;

// touch the saved entity -- CEV
PM_DoTouch (touched_ent);

// Quake 3's plane interaction and velocity clipping scheme.
// Solves more interactions than Q1's FlyMove and Nuclide's
// Pmove_Custom. Probably the slowest of the three mentioned.
// -- CEV
for (i = 0; i < np; i++)
if (plane[i] != self.groundnormal)
if (self.velocity * plane[i] >= 0.1)

// Inline ClipVelocity / PM_Rebound
backoff = self.velocity * plane[i];

if (backoff < 0)
backoff *= PM_OVERCLIP;
if (sticky)
backoff /= PM_OVERCLIP;

new_v = self.velocity - (plane[i] * backoff);

// new_v -= plane[i] * (new_v * plane[i]);

for (j = 0; j < np; j++)
if (j == i)

if (plane[j] != self.groundnormal)
if (new_v * plane[j] >= 0.1)

// duplicating code here to avoid a function
// call -- CEV
backoff = new_v * plane[j];

if (backoff < 0)
backoff *= PM_OVERCLIP;
if (sticky)
backoff /= PM_OVERCLIP;

new_v -= plane[j] * backoff;

// new_v -= plane[j] * (new_v * plane[j]);

// see if we still interact with the first
// clip plane (an optimization from Q3)
if (new_v * plane[i] >= 0)

if (sticky)

// slide along the crease
end = crossproduct (plane[i], plane[j]);
end = normalize (end);
new_v = end * (end * new_v);

// see if the move enters a third plane
for (k = 0; k < np; k++)
if (k == i || k == j)

if (new_v * plane[k] >= 0.1)
// no interaction

#ifdef SSQC
dprint ("PM_DanceMoveQ3: 3x stop\n");
self.velocity = '0 0 0';

// break out of all the loops now
// by skipping directly to the end
goto dancemove_end;

// try another move
self.velocity = new_v;

// an optimization from Quake 1; is this necessary? -- CEV
if (self.velocity * start_v <= 0)
// we've turned against original velocity so
// clear vel and stop the loop
self.velocity = '0 0 0';


// wallclip / wall skim timer check
// if doskim is true and velocity is non-zero and we lost speed
// during the move then restore velocity -- CEV
if (doskim && self.velocity && (vlen(start_v) > vlen(self.velocity)))
if (sticky)
self.velocity = [start_v_x, start_v_y,
min (start_v_z, self.velocity_z)];
self.velocity = start_v;

// final gravity check here -- CEV
if (dogravity)
self.velocity_z -= grav * 0.5;

// a final call to setorigin to update links -- CEV
setorigin (self, self.origin);

// PM_CategorizePosition
// Based on similarly-named function in the GPL2 purecsqc pmove.qc
void() PM_CategorizePosition =
vector point;
float contents;

if (self.movetype == MOVETYPE_NOCLIP || self.movetype == MOVETYPE_FLY)
// noclip is never on ground
self.groundentity = __NULL__;
self.groundnormal = __NULL__;
self.pmove_flags &= ~PMF_DOUBLEJUMPED;
self.pmove_flags &= ~PMF_WALLJUMPED;
self.pmove_flags &= ~PMF_ONGROUND;
self.flags &= ~FL_ONGROUND;
// TODO CEV there must be a way to optimize out this
// tracebox ground check some of the time

// do a trace to check for ground
tracebox (self.origin, self.mins, self.maxs,
self.origin - PM_GROUNDDIST_V, FALSE, self);
// only onground if we hit it & it faces upwards
if (trace_fraction < 1.0f && trace_plane_normal_z > 0.7f)
// on ground
self.groundentity = trace_ent;
self.groundnormal = trace_plane_normal;
self.flags |= FL_ONGROUND;
self.pmove_flags |= PMF_ONGROUND;
self.pmove_flags &= ~PMF_WALLJUMPED;
// not on ground
self.groundentity = __NULL__;
self.groundnormal = __NULL__;
self.flags &= ~FL_ONGROUND;
self.pmove_flags &= ~PMF_ONGROUND;

// check water levels
point = self.origin;
point_z = self.origin_z + self.mins_z + 1;
contents = pointcontents (point);
if (contents < CONTENT_SOLID)
self.watertype = contents;
point_z = self.origin_z + (self.mins_z + self.maxs_z) * 0.5;
if (pointcontents(point) < CONTENT_SOLID)
point_z = self.origin_z + self.maxs_z;
if (pointcontents(point) < CONTENT_SOLID)
self.waterlevel = WATERLEVEL_EYES;
self.waterlevel = WATERLEVEL_WAIST;
self.waterlevel = WATERLEVEL_FEET;
self.watertype = CONTENT_EMPTY;
self.waterlevel = WATERLEVEL_NONE;

// can't be waterjumping if we're on ground
if (self.pmove_flags & PMF_WATERJUMPED &&
(self.waterlevel == WATERLEVEL_NONE ||
self.pmove_flags & PMF_ONGROUND))
#ifdef SSQC
dprint ("PM_CategorizePosition: clearing FL_WATERJUMP\n");
self.pmove_flags &= ~PMF_WATERJUMPED;
self.flags &= ~FL_WATERJUMP;

// PM_Friction
// Ground friction
void(float friction, float move_time) PM_Friction =
float control, newspeed, speed;

speed = vlen (self.velocity);

if (speed < 1)
self.velocity = '0 0 0';

// calculate what their new speed should be
control = speed < PM_STOPSPEED ? PM_STOPSPEED : speed;
newspeed = speed - control * friction * move_time;

// and slow them
if (newspeed < 0)
newspeed = 0;

self.velocity = self.velocity * (newspeed / speed);

// PM_Accelerate
// Ground acceleration & Quake 3 style air acceleration -- CEV
void(vector wishdir, float wishspeed, float accel, float move_time)
PM_Accelerate =
float newspeed, speed;

speed = wishspeed - (self.velocity * wishdir);

if (speed <= 0)

newspeed = accel * move_time * wishspeed;
if (newspeed > speed)
newspeed = speed;

self.velocity += newspeed * wishdir;

// PM_AirAccelerate
// Quake 1 style air acceleration -- CEV
void(vector wishvel, float wishspeed, float accel, float move_time)
PM_AirAccelerate =
float newspeed, speed, wishspd;

// need to ignore Z velocity -- CEV
wishvel = [wishvel_x, wishvel_y, 0];
wishspd = vlen (wishvel);
wishvel = normalize (wishvel);
if (wishspd > PM_MAXAIRSPEED)
speed = self.velocity * wishvel;
speed = wishspd - speed;

if (speed <= 0)

newspeed = accel * move_time * wishspeed;
if (newspeed > speed)
newspeed = speed;
self.velocity += newspeed * wishvel;

// PM_AirControl
// CPM / Painkiller-like Air Control. Based on Xonotic sources. -- CEV
void(vector wishdir, float wishspeed, float move_time) PM_AirControl =
local float dot, speed, turn, zspeed;

zspeed = self.velocity_z;
self.velocity_z = 0;

speed = vlen (self.velocity);
self.velocity = normalize (self.velocity);

dot = self.velocity * wishdir;

if (dot > 0)
turn = PM_AIRACCELBASE * bound (0, wishspeed / PM_MAXSPEED, 1);
turn *= PM_AIRACCELTURN * dot * dot * move_time;
self.velocity = normalize (self.velocity * speed +
wishdir * turn);

self.velocity *= speed;
self.velocity_z = zspeed;

// PM_Jump
void(vector wishdir) PM_Jump =
// are we already waterjumping, or is jump being held?
if (self.pmove_flags & PMF_WATERJUMPED ||
self.pmove_flags & PMF_JUMP_HELD)

#ifdef SSQC
local string msg = "";

// make sure we get at least jumpspeed upwards from
// the ground plane by clamping it first.
if (self.groundnormal && (self.velocity * self.groundnormal < 0))
// #ifdef SSQC
// dprint("PM_Jump: clamping to ground\n");
// #endif
self.velocity -= self.groundnormal *
(self.velocity * self.groundnormal);

// make sure we get at least the indicated jump speed
// this changes the behavior of downward ramps -- CEV
if (self.velocity_z < 0)
self.velocity_z = 0;

if (self.doublejump_timer > 0)
// it may be useful in the future (for a tricks mode, etc)
// to distinguish between different jump types -- CEV
if (self.teleport_time > time - (PM_TELEJUMP_WINDOW + 0.2))
// a teleport jump: allow a larger (+0.2) window to
// account for time to travel thru teleporter -- CEV
#ifdef SSQC
msg = sprintf ("PM_Jump: telejump %g, ",
// non-additive jump, though it shouldn't matter -- CEV
self.velocity_z = PM_TELEJUMPSPEED;
else if (self.groundnormal && self.groundnormal_z == 1)
#ifdef SSQC
msg = sprintf ("PM_Jump: stairjump %g, ",
// don't do additive stairjumps on flat ground -- CEV
self.velocity_z = PM_STAIRJUMPSPEED;
#ifdef SSQC
msg = sprintf ("PM_Jump: doublejump %g, ",
// the groundnormal might be weird - some kind of
// ramp - so we want an additive doublejump here -- CEV
self.velocity_z += PM_DOUBLEJUMPSPEED;

// set the doublejump flag -- CEV
self.pmove_flags |= PMF_DOUBLEJUMPED;
else if (input_movevalues_y && input_movevalues_x == 0 &&
vlen (self.velocity) <= PM_SHORTJUMPTHRESH)
// short jump with added sideways velocity - a dodge
self.velocity_z = 0;
self.velocity = wishdir * PM_BOOSTWISHSPEED;
// self.velocity = normalize (self.velocity);
// self.velocity *= 400;
self.velocity_z = PM_SHORTJUMPSPEED;

#ifdef SSQC
msg = sprintf ("PM_Jump: short jump %v ", self.velocity);
// normal jump
#ifdef SSQC
if (self.velocity_z > 0)
msg = sprintf ("PM_Jump: jump %g, ", self.velocity_z);

// do an additive jump on non-flat ground -- CEV
if (self.groundnormal_z == 1)
// self.velocity_z = min (PM_STAIRJUMPSPEED,
// self.velocity_z += PM_JUMPSPEED);
self.velocity_z = PM_JUMPSPEED;
self.velocity_z += PM_JUMPSPEED;

// report new Z velocity
#ifdef SSQC
if (msg != "")
dprint (sprintf("%s %g\n", msg, self.velocity_z));

// manage flags -- CEV
self.groundentity = __NULL__;
self.groundnormal = __NULL__;
self.pmove_flags &= ~PMF_ONGROUND;
self.flags &= ~FL_ONGROUND;
self.pmove_flags |= PMF_JUMP_HELD;
self.button2 = 0;
#ifdef SSQC
// player jumping sound; copied into pmove from client.qc -- CEV
sound (self, CHAN_BODY, "player/plyrjmp8.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM);

// timers for all jumps -- CEV
self.doublejump_timer = PM_DOUBLEJUMP_WINDOW;

// PM_WallJump
void() PM_WallJump =
// are we in water, already waterjumping, already walljumping,
// or is jump being held?
if (self.waterlevel > WATERLEVEL_NONE ||
self.pmove_flags & PMF_WATERJUMPED ||
self.pmove_flags & PMF_JUMP_HELD ||
self.pmove_flags & PMF_WALLJUMPED)
#ifdef SSQC
dprint ("PM_WallJump: returning in first block\n");

// mandatory interval between jump and walljump
// if (self.doublejump_timer <= PM_WALLJUMP_WINDOW)
// return;

if (self.velocity_z < PM_WALLJUMPLIMIT)
// falling too fast to walljump
// TODO CEV it would be a good idea to include a sound here.
#ifdef SSQC
dprint ("PM_WallJump: falling too fast, returning\n");

// start at STEPHEIGHT + 1 to try and clear any steps -- CEV
local float f = 0;
local vector start = self.origin;
// start_z += PM_STEPHEIGHT + 1;
start_z = start_z + 12;
local vector end = start;

for (float i = 0; i < 4; i++)
// I've borrowed a little logic from Quake Champions Classic
// here, shoutout to RhapsodyInGeek, check out their good work
// v_forward and v_right should still correspond to the
// makevectors call from PM_Move -- CEV
if (i < 2)
if (input_movevalues_x == 0)
end = v_forward * 10;
if (i > 1)
if (input_movevalues_y == 0)
end = v_right * 10;
if (i == 1 || i == 3)
end = end - end * 2;

end = start + end;

// this ends up firing *a lot* when hopping through a map
// normally, unfortunately. traceline may be better here -- CEV
tracebox (start, PM_CROUCH_MIN, PM_CROUCH_MAX, end, TRUE, self);

// in order: we hit something, that something is vaguely
// vertical, we hit it at a speed greater than 0, and
// that something is within 20 (units?) -- CEV
if (trace_fraction < 1.0f &&
trace_plane_normal_z <= 0.7f &&
trace_plane_normal_z >= 0 &&
vlen(self.origin - trace_endpos) <= 20)
// If self.velocity * trace_plane_normal is less than
// zero that means the user is directing their movement
// *into* the wall instead of away from it. Could be
// useful later for vaulting or climbing. -- CEV
f = self.velocity * trace_plane_normal;
if (f >= 0)
// moving away from the wall
self.pmove_flags |= PMF_WALLJUMPED;
#ifdef SSQC
dprint (sprintf("PM_WallJump: wallclimb "
"normalspeed %f\n", f));

if (self.pmove_flags & PMF_WALLJUMPED)
// bounce off the wall plane -- CEV
self.velocity_x += trace_plane_normal_x * PM_WALLJUMPFORCE;
self.velocity_y += trace_plane_normal_y * PM_WALLJUMPFORCE;

if (self.doublejump_timer > 0)
#ifdef SSQC
dprint ("PM_WallJump: wall double ");
self.velocity_z = PM_WALLJUMPDOUBLE;
#ifdef SSQC
dprint ("PM_WallJump: walljump ");
self.velocity_z = PM_WALLJUMPSPEED;

// manage flags & fields; PMF_WALLJUMPED is already set -- CEV
self.pmove_flags |= PMF_JUMP_HELD;
self.doublejump_timer = PM_DOUBLEJUMP_WINDOW;

// server-side stuff
#ifdef SSQC
dprint (sprintf("dist %g, normalspeed %g\n",
vlen(self.origin - trace_endpos), f));
self.button2 = 0;
sound (self, CHAN_BODY, "player/plyrjmp8.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM);

// PM_WalkAccelerate
// Handle accel & friction for MOVETYPE_WALK entities (players). -- CEV
void(vector wishvel, float move_time) PM_WalkAccelerate =
float accel, friction, newspeed, speed, temp, wishspeed;

accel = friction = temp = 0;

wishspeed = vlen (wishvel);
vector wishdir = normalize (wishvel);

if (self.pmove_flags & PMF_PRE_MOVE)
if (self.pmove_flags & PMF_ONLADDER)
// ladder physics
// these currently stutter in high ping (or low netfps)
// situations because we rely on touch()ing the ladder
// trigger to set PMF_ONLADDER and the client doesn't
// know about the trigger brush yet -- TODO CEV
self.velocity *= 0.75;

if (input_buttons & 2 || self.button2 > 0 ||
input_movevalues_z > 0)
// PlayerClimb -- johnfitz
self.velocity_z = 160;
else if (input_movevalues_z < 0)
// PlayerClimbDown -- CEV
self.velocity_z = -160;
self.flags |= FL_JUMPRELEASED;
self.pmove_flags &= ~PMF_JUMP_HELD;
self.velocity_z = 0;

self.pmove_flags &= ~PMF_ONGROUND;
if (input_buttons & 2 || self.button2 > 0 ||
input_movevalues_z > 0)
// +jump was pressed
if (self.pmove_flags & PMF_ONGROUND)
// normal jump
PM_Jump (wishdir);
else if (world_walljump)
// walljump
PM_WallJump ();
self.flags |= FL_JUMPRELEASED;

if (self.pmove_flags & PMF_ONGROUND)
self.pmove_flags |= PMF_STARTGROUND;
self.pmove_flags &= ~PMF_STARTGROUND;

// Test STARTGROUND (the ONGROUND status post jump) to avoid
// a ground friction frame when chaining jumps together.
// Probably has unintended consequences. -- CEV
if (self.pmove_flags & PMF_STARTGROUND)
// we're on ground so pick accel and friction values -- CEV

if (self.doublejump_timer > 0)
wishspeed = min (wishspeed, PM_BOOSTWISHSPEED);
wishspeed = min (wishspeed, PM_MAXSPEED);
else if (self.pmove_flags & PMF_ONGROUND)
// we're in the second acceleration pass and we've just
// landed. For this one-half acceleration frame set
// friction to zero and accel to AIRACCELQ3. This
// moment is particularly noticeable on stairs. -- CEV
accel = PM_AIRACCELQ3;
friction = 0;

// rewrite user input to direct movement along current
// velocity in the half-frame after we've just landed.
// will only rewrite when neither +fwd or +back is
// pressed. the neverending quest to improve stairs. -- CEV
if (input_movevalues_y && input_movevalues_x == 0)
input_movevalues_x = fabs (input_movevalues_y);

// we've altered input movevalues so rework wishvel
// start by ensuring v_ globals are correct
makevectors ([0, input_angles_y, 0]);
wishvel = v_forward * input_movevalues_x;
wishvel += v_right * input_movevalues_y;
// is wishvel now against self.velocity?
if (wishvel * self.velocity < 0)
// then movevalues_x should be negative
input_movevalues_x = -input_movevalues_x;
wishvel = v_forward * input_movevalues_x;
wishvel += v_right * input_movevalues_y;
wishspeed = vlen (wishvel);
wishdir = normalize (wishvel);

if (self.doublejump_timer > 0)
wishspeed = min (wishspeed, PM_BOOSTWISHSPEED);
wishspeed = min (wishspeed, PM_MAXSPEED);
else if (input_movevalues_x == 0)
// Q1 air accel when requesting sideways movement in the air
// flag a check below with this -1 -- CEV
if (wishspeed > PM_MAXSPEED)
wishspeed = PM_MAXSPEED;

accel = -1;
if (wishspeed > PM_MAXSPEED)
wishspeed = PM_MAXSPEED;

if (input_movevalues_y == 0)
// Painkiller style air control
if (wishvel * self.velocity < 0)
// against original velocity; we're slowing down
// we're with original velocity - gaining speed

// borrow the friction var to flag a conditional below
friction = -1;
// we're in the air and the player is requesting both
// forward/back and sideways movement, so pick the Q3
// air accel value -- CEV
accel = PM_AIRACCELQ3;

// I've duplicated a fair amount of code below, inlining the various
// acceleration functions to hopefully improve performance -- CEV

// apply friction (ground or otherwise)
if (friction > 0)
// inline PM_Friction
speed = vlen (self.velocity);

if (speed < 1)
self.velocity = '0 0 0';
// calculate what their new speed should be
temp = speed < PM_STOPSPEED ? PM_STOPSPEED : speed;
newspeed = speed - temp * friction * move_time;

// and slow them
if (newspeed < 0)
newspeed = 0;

self.velocity *= newspeed / speed;

if (accel == -1)
// Quake 1 sideways air acceleration; inline PM_AirAccelerate
wishvel_z = 0;
temp = vlen (wishvel);
wishvel = normalize (wishvel);
if (temp > PM_MAXAIRSPEED)
speed = self.velocity * wishvel;
speed = temp - speed;

if (speed > 0)
newspeed = PM_AIRACCEL * move_time * wishspeed;
if (newspeed > speed)
newspeed = speed;
self.velocity += newspeed * wishvel;
else if (accel > 0)
// ground & Quake 3 style acceleration; inline PM_Accelerate
speed = wishspeed - (self.velocity * wishdir);

if (speed > 0)
newspeed = accel * move_time * wishspeed;
if (newspeed > speed)
newspeed = speed;

self.velocity += newspeed * wishdir;

// CPM & PK-style air control, needs to happen after PM_Accelerate
// based on code from Nexuiz & Xonotic
if (friction == -1)
// inline PM_AirControl
temp = self.velocity_z;
self.velocity_z = 0;

speed = vlen (self.velocity);
self.velocity = normalize (self.velocity);

// reuse the friction float for dotproduct -- CEV
friction = self.velocity * wishdir;

// reuse the accel var for turning -- CEV
accel = PM_AIRACCELBASE * bound (0, wishspeed / PM_MAXSPEED, 1);
accel *= PM_AIRACCELTURN * friction * friction * move_time;

if (friction > 0)
self.velocity = normalize (self.velocity * speed +
wishdir * accel);

self.velocity *= speed;
self.velocity_z = temp;

if (!(self.pmove_flags & PMF_PRE_MOVE))
self.pmove_flags &= ~PMF_STARTGROUND;

// PM_SwimAccelerate
// Largely copied from id Software's WaterMove. Works like NoClipAccelerate.
void(vector wishvel, float move_time) PM_SwimAccelerate =
float wishspeed;

if (self.pmove_flags & PMF_PRE_MOVE)
// CheckWaterJump
if (self.waterlevel == WATERLEVEL_WAIST)
local vector start, end;

start = self.origin;
start_z = start_z + 8;
// use wishvel instead of v_forward -- CEV
end = [wishvel_x, wishvel_y, 0];
end = normalize (end);
traceline (start, (start + end * 24), TRUE, self);

if (trace_fraction < 1)
// solid at the waist
start_z = start_z + self.maxs_z - 8;
self.movedir = trace_plane_normal * -50;
traceline (start, (start + end * 24),
TRUE, self);

if (trace_fraction == 1)
// open at eye level
self.flags |= FL_WATERJUMP;
self.pmove_flags |= PMF_WATERJUMPED;
self.flags &= ~FL_JUMPRELEASED;
self.pmove_flags &= ~PMF_JUMP_HELD;
// Z velocity was 225
self.velocity_z = PM_JUMPSPEED;
// we don't care about the 'safety net'
// in this movement set (unlike vanilla)
// so don't set teleport_time -- CEV
// self.teleport_time = time + 2;

#ifdef SSQC
// functionality copied into pmove from client.qc -- CEV
if (self.waterlevel >= WATERLEVEL_WAIST)
if (self.swim_flag < time)
// play swimming sound
self.swim_flag = time + 1;
if (random() < 0.5)
sound (self, CHAN_BODY,
"misc/water1.wav", 1,ATTN_NORM);
sound (self, CHAN_BODY,
"misc/water2.wav", 1,ATTN_NORM);

if (input_buttons & 2 && !(self.pmove_flags & PMF_WATERJUMPED))
// smartjump
wishvel_z = max (PM_MAXSPEED, wishvel_z);
else if (input_movevalues == '0 0 0')
// drift towards bottom -- CEV

wishspeed = vlen (wishvel);
if (wishspeed > PM_WATERMAXSPEED)
wishvel = normalize (wishvel);

// water friction; reuse PM_Friction with a special constant -- CEV
if (!(self.pmove_flags & PMF_WATERJUMPED))
PM_Friction (PM_WATERFRICTION, move_time);

// accelerate; reuse PM_Accelerate with a special constant -- CEV
PM_Accelerate (wishvel, wishspeed, PM_WATERACCEL, move_time);

// PM_NoClipAccelerate
// Basic acceleration for flying / noclipping players. Not suitable for
// swimming. -- CEV
void(vector wishvel, float scale, float move_time) PM_NoClipAccelerate =
float wishspeed;

// smartjump
if (input_buttons & 2)
wishvel_z = max (PM_MAXSPEED, wishvel_z);

wishspeed = vlen (wishvel) * scale;
wishvel = normalize (wishvel);

PM_Friction (PM_GROUNDFRICTION, move_time);
PM_Accelerate (wishvel, wishspeed, PM_GROUNDACCEL, move_time);

void(float move_time) PM_ManageTimers =
if (self.doublejump_timer > 0 && move_time > 0)
self.doublejump_timer -= move_time;
else if (self.doublejump_timer < 0)
self.doublejump_timer = 0;

if (self.doublejump_timer == 0)
self.pmove_flags &= ~PMF_DOUBLEJUMPED;

// PM_Move -- PMOVE entrypoint -- CEV
void(entity target) PM_Move =
if (input_timelength <= 0)
// don't process partial frames -- CEV

vector wishvel;

// Nudge player's origin if the server is sending low-precision
// (16 bit?) player coordinates. This can be fixed by setting
// sv_bigcoords to 1 (so the server sends float coords). -- CEV
if (!world_bigcoords)
PM_Nudge ();

// rework user input, copying something like QuakeSpasm's always run
// feature here. This turns the +speed button into a hold-to-walk
// button when cl_run is 0 (when FTE's always run setting is on).
// -- CEV
if (world_clrun == FALSE)
local float m;

// we care about x and y, not so much z -- CEV
if (input_movevalues_x)
m = fabs (input_movevalues_x);
if (m > 400.0f)
input_movevalues_x = PM_WALKSPEED *
(input_movevalues_x / m);
else if (m == 400.0f)
input_movevalues_x = world_clforwardspeed *
(input_movevalues_x / m);
else if (m != 0)
input_movevalues_x = PM_RUNSPEED *
(input_movevalues_x / m);

if (input_movevalues_y)
m = fabs (input_movevalues_y);
if (m > 400.0f)
input_movevalues_y = PM_WALKSPEED *
(input_movevalues_y / m);
else if (m == 400.0f)
input_movevalues_y = world_clsidespeed *
(input_movevalues_y / m);
else if (m != 0)
input_movevalues_y = PM_RUNSPEED *
(input_movevalues_y / m);

// TODO CEV this is the wrong place to clear PMF_JUMP_HELD
if (!(input_buttons & 2))
self.pmove_flags &= ~PMF_JUMP_HELD;

// figure out the properties of the player's position, then clear timers
PM_CategorizePosition ();
PM_ManageTimers (0);

switch (self.movetype)
// signal acceleration functions that we're pre-move
self.pmove_flags |= PMF_PRE_MOVE;

// split the acceleration in two to reduce
// framerate dependence. -- CEV
if (self.waterlevel >= WATERLEVEL_WAIST)
// figure out wishvel -- CEV
makevectors (input_angles);
wishvel = v_forward * input_movevalues_x +
v_right * input_movevalues_y +
v_up * input_movevalues_z;

// swim acceleration
PM_SwimAccelerate (wishvel,
input_timelength * 0.5f);
// only yaw matters here -- CEV
makevectors ([0, input_angles_y, 0]);
wishvel = v_forward * input_movevalues_x +
v_right * input_movevalues_y;
// don't need wishvel_z -- CEV
// v_up * input_movevalues_z;

PM_WalkAccelerate (wishvel,
input_timelength * 0.5f);

// WalkAccelerate calls Jump which might
// alter pmove_flags, so do our feature
// checks afterwards -- CEV

// stick to the ground if we've jumped and
// haven't yet doublejumped
if (self.doublejump_timer > 0 &&
!(self.pmove_flags & PMF_WALLJUMPED) &&
!(self.pmove_flags & PMF_DOUBLEJUMPED))
self.pmove_flags |= PMF_SLIDE_STICKY;

// apply gravity only when in the air, on
// a ramp, or in the 'sticky' state -- CEV
if (!(self.pmove_flags & PMF_ONGROUND) ||
self.pmove_flags & PMF_SLIDE_STICKY ||
self.groundnormal_z < 1.0f)
self.pmove_flags |= PMF_SLIDE_GRAVITY;

// skim / wallclipping checks -- CEV
if (self.doublejump_timer >
!(self.pmove_flags & PMF_WALLJUMPED) &&
self.teleport_time <= (time - 0.1))
self.pmove_flags |= PMF_SLIDE_SKIM;

if (self.pmove_flags & PMF_ONLADDER)
// feature set for ladders -- CEV
self.pmove_flags &= ~PMF_SLIDE_GRAVITY;
self.pmove_flags &= ~PMF_SLIDE_SKIM;
self.pmove_flags &= ~PMF_SLIDE_STICKY;

// timers (part 1) -- CEV
PM_ManageTimers (input_timelength * 0.5f);

// Do the move. Bounce, Rock, Skate, Roll -- CEV
self.pmove_flags |= PMF_SLIDE_STEP;
PM_DanceMove ();

// signal accel functions we're post-move
self.pmove_flags &= ~PMF_PRE_MOVE;

// second pass at acceleration
if (self.waterlevel >= WATERLEVEL_WAIST)
PM_SwimAccelerate (wishvel,
input_timelength * 0.5f);
PM_WalkAccelerate (wishvel,
input_timelength * 0.5f);

// timers (part 2) -- CEV
PM_ManageTimers (input_timelength * 0.5f);

// clear ladder flag -- CEV
if (self.pmove_flags & PMF_ONLADDER)
self.pmove_flags &= ~PMF_ONLADDER;

// split acceleration in two to reduce framerate
// dependence. -- CEV
makevectors (input_angles);
wishvel = v_forward * input_movevalues_x;
wishvel += v_right * input_movevalues_y;
wishvel += v_up * input_movevalues_z;

PM_NoClipAccelerate (wishvel, 1.0f,
input_timelength * 0.5f);
self.pmove_flags |= PMF_SLIDE_STEP;
PM_DanceMove ();
PM_NoClipAccelerate (wishvel, 1.0f,
input_timelength * 0.5f);

// noclip is a debugging feature, no need to
// worry about acceleration consistency. -- CEV
makevectors (input_angles);
wishvel = v_forward * input_movevalues_x;
wishvel += v_right * input_movevalues_y;
wishvel += v_up * input_movevalues_z;

PM_NoClipAccelerate (wishvel, 1.0f, input_timelength);
// we're noclipping so update origin directly -- CEV
self.origin += self.velocity * input_timelength;


// make sure we've touched the ground entity (it might've slipped
// through the slidemove above) -- CEV
PM_DoTouch (self.groundentity);

touchtriggers ();

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