
Git Repos / fte_dogmode / qc / math.qc

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// math.qc
// Author: Joshua Skelton
// A collection of helpful math functions.

// forward declarations

float(float value, float minValue, float maxValue) clamp;
// float(float a, float b) mod; // available as an engine builtin
float(float x) sign;
float(float value, float minValue, float maxValue) wrap;

float(float a, float b, float mix) lerp;
vector(vector a, vector b, float mix) lerp_vector;
float(float a, float b, float mix) lerp_hermite;
vector(vector a, vector b, float mix) lerp_vector_hermite;

float(float anga, float angb) angledif;
float(vector ang, vector base_ang, vector offset) is_in_angle;

vector(vector ang) normalize_angles;
vector(vector ang) normalize_angles180;

float() crandom;
float(float v) anglemod;

float(float theta) preach_tan;
float(float y, float x) preach_atan2;
float(float theta, vector source, vector dest) preach_iterate_elevation;


// clamp
// Limits the given value to the given range.
// value: A number
// minValue: The minimum value of the range
// maxValue: The maximum value of the range
// Returns: A number within the given range.
float(float value, float minValue, float maxValue) clamp =
if (value < minValue)
return minValue;
else if (value > maxValue)
return maxValue;

return value;

// mod
// Returns the remainder after the division of a by n
// a: The dividend
// b: The divisor
// Returns: The remainder of a divided by n
float(float a, float n) mod =
return a - (n * floor(a / n));

// sign
// Returns an indication of the sign of the given number.
// x: A number
// Returns: -1 if x < 0, 0 if x == 0, 1 if x > 0.
float(float x) sign =
if (x > 0)
return 1;
else if (x < 0)
return -1;

return 0;

// wrap
// Limits the given value to the given range and will wrap the value to the
// the other end of the range if exceeded.
// value: A number
// minValue: The minimum value of the range
// maxValue: The maximum value of the range
// Returns: A number within the given range.
float(float value, float minValue, float maxValue) wrap =
local float range = maxValue - minValue;
return mod (value - minValue, range + 1) + minValue;

float(float a, float b, float mix) lerp =
if (mix <= 0)
return a;
if (mix >= 1)
return b;
return (b * mix + a * ( 1 - mix ) );

vector(vector a, vector b, float mix) lerp_vector =
if (mix <= 0)
return a;
if (mix >= 1)
return b;
return (b * mix + a * ( 1 - mix ) );

// for a relaxing lerp: hermite lerp.
float(float a, float b, float mix) lerp_hermite =
if (mix <= 0)
return a;
if (mix >= 1)
return b;

local float h01;

h01 = mix * mix;
h01 *= 3 - 2 * mix;

return (b * h01 + a * (1 - h01));

vector(vector a, vector b, float mix) lerp_vector_hermite =
if (mix <= 0)
return a;
if (mix >= 1)
return b;

local float h01;

h01 = mix * mix;
h01 *= 3 - 2 * mix;

return (b * h01 + a * (1 - h01));

float(float anga, float angb) angledif =
local float dif;
dif = fabs (anga - angb);
if (dif > 180)
dif = 360 - dif;
return dif;

float(vector ang, vector base_ang, vector offset) is_in_angle =
if (angledif(ang_x, base_ang_x) > offset_x ||
angledif(ang_y, base_ang_y) > offset_y)
return FALSE;
return TRUE;

// normalizes an angle vector to the 0/+359 range
vector(vector ang) normalize_angles =
ang_x = ang_x - floor (ang_x / 360) * 360;
ang_y = ang_y - floor (ang_y / 360) * 360;
ang_z = ang_z - floor (ang_z / 360) * 360;

return ang;

// normalizes an angle vector to the -180/+179 range
vector(vector ang) normalize_angles180 =
ang_x = ((ang_x + 180) - floor ((ang_x + 180) / 360) * 360) - 180;
ang_y = ((ang_y + 180) - floor ((ang_y + 180) / 360) * 360) - 180;
ang_z = ((ang_z + 180) - floor ((ang_z + 180) / 360) * 360) - 180;

return ang;

// Below are various math functions copied from elsewhere in the program
// (i.e., the following were not originally in math.qc) -- CEV

// returns -1 to 1 (I think); was in weapons.qc -- CEV
float() crandom =
return 2 * (random() - 0.5);

// was in ai.qc -- CEV
float(float v) anglemod =
while (v >= 360)
v = v - 360;
while (v < 0)
v = v + 360;
return v;

// the next three functions were in ogre.qc -- CEV

// start Preach Ogre Marksman tutorial here -- dumptruck_ds //

// uses QuakeC builtins to calculate tan of angle
// WARNING: uses makevectors! This overwrites the v_forward... globals
float(float theta) preach_tan =
local vector ang = '0 0 0'; // temp used to calculate trig values

// assign theta to the yaw to simplify reasoning
ang_y = theta;
makevectors (ang);
return v_forward_y / v_forward_x;

// inverse tan function
// takes two parameters, numerator and denominator
// this copes better with denominator 0 and gets quadrant correct
float(float y, float x) preach_atan2 =
// temporary used to calculate trig values
local vector ang;
ang = '0 0 0';
ang_x = x;
ang_y = y;
return vectoyaw (ang);

float(float theta, vector source, vector dest) preach_iterate_elevation =
// constants in the equation to be solved
local float a, b, c;
// displacement we wish the projectile to travel
local vector ofs;
// horizontal and vertical components of ofs
local float y, z;
// trig values of the angle theta
local float tan_theta;

// calculate how far we are firing
ofs = dest - source;
z = ofs_z;
ofs_z = 0;
y = vlen (ofs);

// find the coefficients of the quadratic in tan(theta)
a = 0.5 * world_gravity * y * y / (GRENADE_SPEED * GRENADE_SPEED);
b = -y;
c = a + z;

// check if the destination is too far to reach
if (b * b < 4 * a * c)

// calculate the tan value of the given theta
tan_theta = preach_tan (theta);

// reuse ang to create the improved firing direction
theta = preach_atan2 (a * tan_theta * tan_theta - c,
2 * a * tan_theta + b);

// constrain the values to stop anything too mad happening
while (theta > 90)
theta = theta - 180;
return theta;
// end Preach tutorial

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