
Git Repos / fte_dogmode / qc / compat_quake3.qc

Last update to this file was on 2024-04-05 at 14:18.

Show compat_quake3.qc

// Quake 3 compatibility entrypoints / functions

void() spawnfunc_item_quad =
item_artifact_super_damage ();

// Quake 3 armor item support -- CEV

// Green Armor
void() spawnfunc_item_armor_jacket =
item_armor1 ();

// Yellow Armor
void() spawnfunc_item_armor_combat =
item_armor2 ();

// Red Armor
void() spawnfunc_item_armor_body =
item_armorInv ();

// Quake 3 health item support -- CEV

void() spawnfunc_item_health_mega =
// new spawnflags for all entities -- iw
if (SUB_Inhibit ())

self.classname = "item_health";
self.spawnflags |= 2;
item_health_init (self);

void() spawnfunc_item_health_small =
// new spawnflags for all entities -- iw
if (SUB_Inhibit ())

self.classname = "item_health_vial";
item_health_vial_init (self);

// Quake 3 ammo & weapons -- CEV

void() spawnfunc_ammo_cells =
item_spikes ();

void() spawnfunc_ammo_grenades =
item_rockets ();

void() spawnfunc_ammo_lightning =
item_cells ();

void() spawnfunc_ammo_rockets =
item_rockets ();

void() spawnfunc_ammo_shells =
item_shells ();

void() spawnfunc_weapon_plasmagun =
// new spawnflags for all entities -- iw
if (SUB_Inhibit ())

self.classname = "weapon_supernailgun";
weapon_supernailgun_init (self);

// Quake 3 push target entities -- CEV

void() spawnfunc_target_push =
// new spawnflags for all entities -- iw
if (SUB_Inhibit ())

if (!self.targetname)
if ( != __NULL__ && != "")
// quake 3 compat -- CEV
self.targetname =;
objerror ("no targetname");

void() spawnfunc_target_position =
self.classname = "target_push";
spawnfunc_target_push ();

// Quake 3 Teleporter targets -- CEV

void() spawnfunc_misc_teleport_dest =
info_teleport_destination ();

void() spawnfunc_misc_teleporter_dest =
info_teleport_destination ();

void() spawnfunc_misc_teleporter_destination =
info_teleport_destination ();

void() spawnfunc_target_teleporter =
info_teleport_destination ();

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