
Git Repos / dotfiles / config / irssi / cev.theme.fix

Last update to this file was on 2021-12-08 at 04:19.

Show cev.theme.fix

# cev-256 theme for irssi
# based on the BitchX theme by Mikma:
# and the Dark BitchX theme by Pasky:

# these characters are automatically replaced with specified color
# (dark grey by default)
replaces = { "[]:()/~@" = "%ZxDK4$*%n"; };

abstracts = {

# windows
line_start = "%N";
timestamp = "%ZxDK4$*%n";
hilight = "%W$*%n";
error = "%r$*%n";
channel = "%C$*%n";
nick = "%B$*%n";
nickhost = "%b$*";
server = "%W$*%n";
comment = "[$*]";
reason = "(%n$*)";
mode = "[%W$*%n]";

# channel specific messages
channick_hilight = "%B$*%n";
chanhost_hilight = "[{nickhost $*}%n]";
channick = "%B$0-%n";
chanhost = "[{nickhost $*}%n]";
channelhilight = "%C$*%n";
ban = "$*";

# messages
msgnick = "%ZxBLUf<%b$0%B$1-%ZxBLUf>%n %|";
ownmsgnick = "%ZxPURf<%m$0%M$1-%ZxPURf>%n %|";
ownnick = "%M$*%n";
pubmsgnick = "{msgnick $0 $1-}";
pubnick = "%B$*%n";
pubmsgmenick = "%ZxYELf<%y$0%Y$1-%ZxYELf>%n %|";
menick = "%Y$0%n";
pubmsghinick = "{msgnick $1 $0$2-}";
msgchannel = "%ZxDK4:%n$*%n";
privmsg = "[%P$0%n(%p{nickhost $1-}%n)] ";
ownprivmsg = "[%rmsg%n(%R$1-%n)] ";
ownprivmsgnick = "[%n%rquery%n(%r$*%n)]%n ";
ownprivnick = "%n$*";
privmsgnick = "[%n%mquery%n(%M$*%n)]%n ";

# actions
# TODO: not real sure of this...
action = "%ZxDK4*%n";
ownaction = "%ZxPURf*%n %M$0 %n$1-";
ownaction_target = "%ZxPURf*%n %M$0%n%ZxDK4/%n%B$1%n ";
pvtaction = "[%n%rquery%n(%R$0%n)]%n * $1- ";
pvtaction_query = "[%n%mquery%n(%M$*%n)]%n %ZxPURf*%n ";
pubaction = "%ZxBLUf*%n %B$*%n ";

# notices
ownnotice = "[%rnotice%n(%R$1-%n)]%n ";
notice = "%ZxDK4-%n%M$0%n%ZxDK4-%n ";
pubnotice_channel = ":$*";
pvtnotice_host = "(%m$*%n)%n";
servernotice = "{notice $*}";

ownctcp = "[%r$0%n(%R$1-%n)]%n ";
ctcp = "%ZxDK4>%n>%W>%n %B$0%n %g$1%n $2 %W$3%n $4 $5 %B$6%n";

# wallops
wallop = "$*: ";
wallop_nick = "$*";
wallop_action = " * $* ";

# netsplits
netsplit = "$*";
netjoin = "$*";

# /names list
names_nick = "[%b$0%B$1-]%n ";
names_users = "(%g$0%n(%g$1%n))";
names_channel = "{channel $*}";

dcc = "{line_start}%R$0%n %n$1-";
dccfile = "%_$*%_";

# DCC chat, own msg/action
dccownmsg = "[%rdcc%n(%R$1-%n)] ";
dccownnick = "$*";
dccownaction = "{action_core } %W$0%n$1 ";
dccownaction_target = "{action_core $0}%b:%c$1%n ";

# DCC chat, others
dccmsg = "[%G$1-%n(%gdcc%n)] ";
dccquerynick = "$*";
dccaction = "{action_core } %Y$0%n %|";

# Statusbar
sb_background = "%zxDK0s%ZxDK4";
sb_prompt_bg = "%N";
sb_info_bg = "%zxDK0%ZxDK3";
sbstart = "";
sbend = "";
topicsbstart = "";
topicsbend = "";
prompt = "%N%ZxDK3$*%N ";
# statusbar items - user mode, away display, server display, mode
sb = "$* ";
sbaway = " (zZzZz)";
sbmode = "(+$*)";
sbnickmode = "$0";
sbservertag = ":$0 (change with ^X)";
# Statusbar activity
sb_act_sep = "$*";
sb_act_text = "$*";
sb_act_msg = "%w$*";
sb_act_hilight = "%W$*";
sb_act_hilight_color = "$0$1-%n";
formats = {
"fe-common/core" = {
quit = "Signoff {channick $0}: {channel $3} {reason $2}";
servertag = "$0: ";

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Log cev.theme.fix

Date Commit Message Author + -
2021-12-08 Initial commit. Dotfiles, scripts, basic Makefile. cev +128  

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